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How to get more fans on my Facebook page? - Printable Version

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How to get more fans on my Facebook page? - EddieMedina - 10-15-2012 06:20 PM

How can I get more fans on my facebook page please tell me how please and thanks

- Derrick Schwan - 10-15-2012 06:29 PM

Click "Suggest to Friends". Once your Facebook fan page is published (or refurbished if needed), it's time to spread it as much as possible through your actual friends. If they accept your invitation to "like" your fan page, these will be your first "fans". Try to think of as many people as possible who you know, to begin with. If you have work colleagues, supporters of whatever it is you're doing (such as running a charity, starting a website, blog readers, etc.), ask these people too.

- booze - 10-15-2012 06:29 PM

First, you should make your fan page worthy to be liked. Post valuable and interesting updates to your page wall. Add some photos or videos related to your niche.

Then start joining other relevant fan pages and groups and interact with other members. Soon they would notice your page and may like it.

You can also add FB plugins on your site or blog to promote your fan page.

- farming_australia - 10-15-2012 06:29 PM

Take a look at social media providers such as They can get you 1000+ fans for your page for around $60 which is far cheaper than Facebook's own advertising.

- Wls Prakash - 10-15-2012 06:29 PM

You have to optimize your page whatever you can. First you have to design a fbml page over there. You have to place a good facebook banner for your page. Also there are more applications to be added over there. Suggest your friends to like it and ask them to suggest your page to their friends. Proper updates will be good for your page to get more likes and views .

- nuwav - 10-15-2012 06:29 PM

Their are loads of ways of getting fans to your page

1/ You can submit your page to a Facebook page directory called

2/ Include your Facebook page url in your web social profiles e.g. Youtube, Twitter, Linkedin etc. and also include in your email signature

3/ Also try and use facebook badge or “like” button everywhere your brand/business is present on the web: website, Blog posts etc.

4/ Use Facebook applications that quickly increase the engagement and reach of their facebook pages. -

5/ You can buy fans from -

6/ You could also invite your friends or your social profile contacts e.g to the page.

- Ignacio Gómez - 10-15-2012 06:29 PM

The fastest way and easiest way to do it was buying fans, or a campaign on facebook, but later and more expensive, if you have many fans, it's better to buy them.

I bought a few days ago and it has 5000 fans worked quite well, I'll leave a link of that service to see if you are interested