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As a whole, what do you think is wrong with the opposite gender? - Printable Version

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As a whole, what do you think is wrong with the opposite gender? - Jade - 02-24-2014 08:37 PM

BQ: What do you think is wrong with your own gender?

- Spam Mohan - 02-24-2014 08:38 PM

What do you think is right with either?
The groups you mention are too large to generalise.

- Paul - 02-24-2014 08:39 PM

Absolutely nothing wrong with it! Mankind isn't very perfect, but our goal should be to try to make the best out of it, taking into consideration these 3 most important pillars of life.

- Bebe J - 02-24-2014 08:44 PM

Some things I think are wrong with the opposite gender:

-Perceiving kindness as weakness
-Genuinely believing that women like jerks and bad guys
-Thinking that since every short bald fat guy on a sitcom has a perfect looking wife, he needs to find a supermodel or he's selling himself short -- and that he actually has a chance with someone like that

Some things I think are wrong with my own gender:

-Thinking it's cute to be catty and nitpicky and high maintenance
-Going for ANYONE based on the fact that OTHER PEOPLE think they're attractive
-The whole bisexual fad. So gross.

- .Jerry. - 02-24-2014 08:50 PM

Both genders have problems with not looking deeper into political/social issues and just accepting the narrative provided by our 'authority' and the media (part of the same 'authority')

Women were quick to accept corporate feminism based on it's slogans 'women's lib' and 'equal rights'. They were quick to disrespect THEIR own class of men but they don't dare disrespect their male bosses or CEO's or political leaders. By doing this, they are making THEIR own men impotent, and therefore as a working class, we are stuck divided and disempowered to make any change.

Men are too easily distracted by porn, sports, video games etc. and no longer interested in doing what's necessary for the greater good. There is no introspection, and no more forward thinking like our forefathers did. Most things remain at the superficial level, and when there's a fight to be fought, it is always categorized and accepted as being between good/bad, black/white, / up/down etc.

- Randall - 02-24-2014 08:54 PM

What's wrong with women? EVERYTHING.
Except for their female bodies. I like those.

What's wrong with men? Too many punks, not enough real men.

- john - 02-24-2014 08:56 PM

men and women aren't 2 individuals, so cannot generalize

i would expect men to be more respectful towards women

i think women need to be more classy, stop being a plastic soul like lady gaga or a celebrity, i wish women were more practical in their approach towards life & took care of little things, enrich them & unfderstand how it enriches lives, my ultimate aim is to spend a peaceful life while sdoing something for the society & experiencing all the goodies

women need to be more understanding, caring, loyal & trust us, a smile will top it off

- john - 02-24-2014 09:05 PM

Opposite - too willing to indulge in stupid gender "getcha back" crap, where they see a male clerk on low wages as being just as responsible for the sexist system as a CEO, and pretending he "benefits."

Same: Jagoffs who see screwups by women clumsily seeking equality as reasons equality aint needed.

- Thundercat - 02-24-2014 09:11 PM

I don't really see there is something overall "wrong" with women. There are some behaviors that some of them exhibit which can be annoying. There are the ones who believe politicians about the "77 cents on the dollar" issue which is taking out of context. Why not look up and analyze that info for themselves?

There are also the certain women who will complain about not finding a "good man," yet they only passively seek a "good man" instead of making active choices.

- Paul - 02-24-2014 09:14 PM

Nothing. I love them all.

Something wrong with my Gender? Surely you jest.