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FUN QUESTION! What is your opinion on weddings and social media websites? - Printable Version

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FUN QUESTION! What is your opinion on weddings and social media websites? - story_e - 02-24-2014 08:39 PM

As we become more and more attached to our social media accounts, how do you feel about it becoming such a large part of weddings? Do you get tired of the day to day countdowns until "Suzie and Johnny" say I do? How do you feel about wedding invites being sent via social media? What are your biggest pet peeves or do you enjoy it?

Brides to Be or Recently married: How do you feel about people posting pictures of you on your wedding day on to Facebook or any social media website before you have a chance to either look at them or upload your professional pictures?
If you are offended by this, as the bride is it rude to ask your guests not to post pictures of you and you groom without your approval?

Me personally, I don't know how I feel about coming home from my honeymoon to find less than flattering picture of myself on the internet on what is suppose to be my "perfect" day.

What are your all's thoughts?

- Stacy - 02-24-2014 08:43 PM

I don't mind people's countdowns... I know a ton of people getting married (me included) and I know how exciting it is to have your wedding coming up. I actually enjoy hearing about people's wedding progress via social media outlets, and like to talk to my other friends who are brides to be about their plans. However, I don't agree with invitations or RSVP's via the internet, as a lot of the older generations aren't as computer savvy, and it seems so impersonal for some reason.

As far as people posting photos before your approval, I do not agree with this. I recently asked a question about how to ask guests not to post any photos to FB or any other site before my future husband and I do, and I got some responses of people who felt the same way. We actually put a page on our wedding website asking people to refrain from posting photos of our ceremony, as it's a hugely private moment we don't want to share with with people we don't know. The reception is a different story, however I'd still like to check out the photos before people decide to post them. I've had friends get married and people have actually posted pictures during the ceremony, which I find to be incredibly rude. I mean, who has their phone on during a ceremony, unless you're using it specifically to take pictures, it needs to be put away and on silent. But that's just me, if someone else doesn't mind those things- good for them. I just want to keep our wedding as private as possible.

- Mrs. RaBBit - 02-24-2014 08:45 PM

Eh I am not a fan of social media. I would not mind their countdowns, it's their day to do as they please and they should be excited for the big day so that doesn't bother me. Invites via social media, that's just tacky, period. Wedding photos on social media sites are a no-no. My day will be special and its not for everyone to see. I don't want all my pictures online of my special day for strangers of strangers to see. I want to have my photo album so that when family and friends come over I can sit down and show them my photos myself. Especially those who were not there. I'd love to tell them stories about the photos. . .share my honeymoon photos for them to see, in my home. . . not on a computer.

- Good Night - 02-24-2014 08:53 PM

Well, to correct you on one point you made, it's not YOUR day. I'm sorry, but it drives me crazy when I hear women call it their day, when it's not.

Moving on, no, I don't mind it. My friends and family all know that I LOATHE social media sights, as I don't belong to any of them. They tend to leave the pictures of me out unless it's just a friend shot or something. I'm not plastered all over the web in a drunken mess on the pavement.

Our wedding was in a few friends' sites, but only the group shots and few of just me and my hubby, but taken down after a few months because well, no one cared.

As far as the countdown and the websites for the couple strictly about their wedding, me nor my husband were fans of those, either. We did things the old fashioned way and kept people posted through the grapevine and word of mouth or by *gasp* a phone...I know, we're really retro, huh... I think that emails sent through the web are idiotic. Computers crash all the time, people spread the word around, people don't read their updates, and things get lost. The mail box was good enough 100 years ago and it's good enough now. I also think it's really tacky to send invites via web.

Weddings in general have just blown up way out of proportion nowadays, media aside. Most weddings nowadays are parody's of themselves...ugh.

- Perse - 02-24-2014 09:00 PM

A lot of people on social media websites are obnoxious, especially when it comes to their wedding and babies. But, I appreciate the opportunity to get to know them better so I can more carefully choose who I spend my time with. That friend who keeps posting pictures of her toddler's poops...not worth my time.

Some people who are very dedicated to their social media sites don't understand that not everyone else is so dedicated. This is part of the reason it is such a poor medium for sending invitations, as some people do not frequently check their pages. Also, not everyone else is so happy to share every intimate detail of their life, every photo, and every location they have been to. You may choose to be an open book, but people need to be respectful of other people's boundaries.

I had been forced into a hideous, skanky out-of-character dress for my sister's wedding and I just felt miserable the whole day. I then was busy moving and had no Internet connection and my niece posted about 200 pictures of me on facebook in this hideous dress, half the pictures where I was blinking or squinting from the sun. I was livid! My niece was young though and just no one had taught her proper online etiquette. I never post pictures of people online without their permission. I will send the picture to them privately and then they can post it if they choose to. Everyone should follow this rule. Since inconsiderate people exist, a bride and groom may unfortunately have to ask friends and family not to post photos online. However, it's unlikely they will listen, and there's nothing you can do about it. Perhaps just having a more intimate wedding in the first place?

I think it's really unfortunate that a couple on their honeymoon has to worry about unflattering pictures making their way online! They should be able to tune out for the week, relax and enjoy and not even think about facebook. I guess social media is relatively new, so maybe the manners will follow someday.

- tra la la la la la - 02-24-2014 09:08 PM

wedding count downs dont bother me at the moment but then again not many people are getting married on my facebook page. if it did start to bother me there is always an option to hide those posts. it doenst bother me too much if that is what people want to do.

i think wedding invites should only be on a piece of paper (or equivalent) and delivered to each house needed. internet invites never seem to get taken as seriously, whenever i make plans with friends over facebook there is nearly always one that drops out last minute.

not got married yet but i think its nice to look at other peoples photos of their wedding and i never look at the ones of friends and think ergh that was awful i accept that the wont be as perfect looking as the professional ones. if a bride of groom requested no one to put up pictures of them i would think they were being a bit controlling but of course i would respect their wishes. just to add i am talking about the pictures of the reception. i would never take pictures of someones wedding ceremony unless they specifically requested.