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Im Muslim and I think someone made a rumor about me.? - Printable Version

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Im Muslim and I think someone made a rumor about me.? - Goal - 02-24-2014 09:12 PM

I'm a Muslim girl. I never went out with anyone or kissed or anything, and I'm quite religious. Anyways last year there was a guy i secretly liked, and things happened and someone suspected and told so i out of idiocy said i had a boyfriend so he would leave me alone. anyways only 2 of my muslim BEST friends knew about this, and some people from school but very little like maybe 3 or 4. I am worried it got out to some of the Muslims at school I know very well, but I don't know...

Then the year before that there was a different guy who liked me but the feeling wasn't mutual...and my friends kept urging me to talk to him but i wouldnt because of my religion. anyways one time a close VERY VERYYYY religious friend of mine accidentally met one of my school friends who wanted me to date the guy, and she told me in front of her "hows ___?" and that Wink face ugh. so my muslim friend freaked out later and then stopped talking to me because she thought i was mad at her for intervening. a few months later i noticed her extreme distance and emailed her after a friend told me how she felt. so i talked to her and tried to clear things up. and i thought it worked.

lately i have been getting anxious and depressed and paranoid about everything in my life. since i homeschooled people have left me and distanced, i have hardly have any friends and i am alone 90% of my time and the rest is with friends. when im lonely, im different. i have been losing self esteem because of this, and i utterly hate myself now. people i know (muslim) are acting weird, like...i hope this is my paranoia but some people on social media websites dont talk to me or follow me back, and other when they do seem to be talking coldly to me. my family is no longer being invited to a lot of muslim events with families we used to be very close to. i dont know whats happening...

- TheMomOfTwins - 02-24-2014 09:18 PM

You dont need friends who judge u.
But I also realize we need friends.

Maybe you can talk to your friends yet again and explain that what you said was all wrong just to create an impression.

I hope you feel better soon.

- Faith_Infinity - 02-24-2014 09:20 PM

talk to your friends and clear all the rumors...
explain to them what was really happen...
dont worry...

- Micky - 02-24-2014 09:27 PM

That certainly is not something nice to experience. I can relate as I too went through something similar a few years back. You are growing up and with that come responsibility. Some people mature quicker than others and with that rumours are spread like wild fire (Based on some people not being mature as they think).

It will be a challenge but stick to your morals and values. It really sucks to feel alone and isolated but reaching out to people that simply judge you based on rumours (Especially when they supposed to know you so well) rather than simply asking you about it, says a lot about them and how your relationships were valued.

You have not done anything wrong and should not feel guilty. Take it one day at a time and just simply be you. You will find good friends with the same morals and values as yourself. Meet friends who will confront you rather than shunt you. Those are true friends that you can argue with and be completely honest with, knowing they will be around to argue back and first find out the truth before telling you if/when you are wrong. (Rather than just deciding you are wrong and adding more fuel to the rumours.)

Just make duah, focus on yourself and the loved ones in your life and see how everything falls into place. In sha allah it will get easier with time.

Hope that was helpful