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My coworker maybe likes me but I think he has a girlfriend? - Printable Version

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My coworker maybe likes me but I think he has a girlfriend? - Laila - 02-24-2014 09:17 PM

I recently wrote about a coworker who I think likes me and I (think) I like him too...but I am never sure about these things!

Anyway so I added him on a social media site and saw that he is not in a relationship (as told by his page) however he has several recent pictures, like within the last month, of just him and another girl and it looks very much like they are dating! So now I am confused about what's happening and probably that I am an idiot and he was just being nice to me... I'm wondering if people who are in relationships don't declare it on social media sites for a reason? Like, maybe it's an open relationship or they are just friends? There are no scandalous pictures, just friendly ones of them going places and hanging out....I don't know, I'm super confused now...and a little bit disappointed! Please Help!

- ms_s - 02-24-2014 09:25 PM

Not everyone does. I've been with my boyfriend for years and never cared about my status on FB. It's very personal to me and a private matter. I couldn't say if your co-worker is taken, or not by pictures of a girl. They might be together, or they might be friends, or this girl could just be a family member. What if she was his sister? or cousin? I'm not sure, but maybe you should ask him, or ask around work who knows him if you're too embarrassed, or shy to ask him.

Here's my story.. I have had co-workers who liked me, but turned out they had girlfriends, or are married. lol Some of my co-workers are single at work and become distant from me after learning I have a boyfriend. Once you start liking someone, it can be hard to get over them until you find out who they are and what can tick them off. My 20 year old supervisor (11 years younger then me) looks so much like my boyfriend (younger version of him), same hair color, personality, and face shape, it creeped me out that I started to have a little crush on him. lol My heart would flutter everytime he smiled, or came near me all because he looks like my boyfriend, which makes me realize how much I love him. My supervisor use to give me these "seductive looks" last week and a few weeks ago whenever I looked at him, talked about random things, and then suddenly were nervous and awkward around eachother, which was when I knew he liked me back. Now, we're distant, have been from knowing how much I love my boyfriend and we have been showing our true colors at work lately with getting crabby and upset over stupid things. I like my job, but it can be very difficult when you have managers who can't relax and causes tension and pressure with all of us and can't exactly be friends.

For my advice to you.. It can be difficult to date a co-worker and hope you find out sooner then later if he's with someone, or not so you don't get hurt. The mystery of him will come to light eventually though and you'll see another side of him sometime. Smile