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I'm obsessed with my boyfriends ex girlfriend? - Printable Version

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I'm obsessed with my boyfriends ex girlfriend? - calmbelieve775 - 02-24-2014 09:18 PM

This is so embarrassing but I am obssessed with her! They we're together seven years, his family loved her, everyone loves her. His sisters still talk to her to this day. She is very successful and has a lot going for her. When my boyfriend and I started dating I began an awful drug habit (8 months sober now!!). I didn't make a good reputation for myself. Him and I have been together 4 years and have a beautiful baby girl! I'm not worried about him leaving me or anything like that. I check this girls Facebook religiously to see what she wears or how she acts. Everyone likes her. Why am I so obsessed with being like her? Am I crazy? Please help!

- DemonLove794 - 02-24-2014 09:24 PM

No youre not crazy <3 Smile haha if so, then half of the female population should just be happy.He's in Love with you not her

- JohnnyC - 02-24-2014 09:26 PM

- Ruby - 02-24-2014 09:32 PM

No, you are not crazy. You are simply curious what is the fuss about. That's all.
I have one ex of my now also ex boyfriend who every time goes on my profile in social media and likes my pictures or anything I upload really which creeps me out. I mean, she obviously hated me back in the day - why would she want to do this now?

I guess the answer is that, subconciously, you somehow want to be like her. since everybody in the house used to love her, you go like "what's so special about her that I say don't have?".
As long as she is not present in his life anymore - better to forget her for good and block her page on FB, so she doesn't even appear. This is how you break the habit - just isolate yourself from any possible information about her.

- Just - 02-24-2014 09:33 PM

why are you so obsessed with her. She is his past, let her go.