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Of Facebook friends and fans? - Printable Version

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Of Facebook friends and fans? - Forward - 02-24-2014 09:20 PM

We all know that in Facebook, we can have our friends. We can also be some famous and popular people's fans. We do this by "liking" their pages they created. When we become friends or fans of these people, we can then read what they put up and share in their pages. Our friends can also read up on what we put in our pages.

However, if we were to be fans of certain people, can these people also read up on what we put up?

I mean, they are not our friends. On the contrary, we are only their fans. Hence, can they read up what we put on our Facebook pages?
Is everything the same for fans and friends?

- Daniel - 02-24-2014 09:23 PM

yes anybody who goes to the page can read what you write and the posts can go to the news feed to you have no control over that

- Atrija - 02-24-2014 09:30 PM

No fans and friends are different.

'Friends' are personal accounts, maintained and accessed by a single person. What this means is that if you are someone's friend in facebook, you see what they personally post or share. Mind you these are accounts. So when you add a friend your account and his account gets connected and thus you can both share with each other.

'Fan pages' are just pages of celebrities, and not real profiles. These are pages usually maintained by admins, sometimes more than one, and rarely by the actual celebrity. When you like these pages you can only view their posts and not vice versa, there can be no interaction unless the admin comments or likes on some post. Think of it as a TV channel belonging to that celebrity, you can see whats on it, but he cant and he really doesn't gives a damn either.