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What does it mean when a girl changed her privacy settings after you invited her to become friends on facebook? - Printable Version

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What does it mean when a girl changed her privacy settings after you invited her to become friends on facebook? - victoriouscast053 - 02-24-2014 09:21 PM

Earlier this week, I met this waitress at a restaurant. She was quite attractive and we started talking. I started cracking a couple of jokes and she would come over and talk to me from time to time. A couple of days later, I went to the restaurant again. She seemed to be a very shy type of asian girl, and so I didn't flat out ask for her number, especially when her restaurant owner/manager was watching. We talked quite often in spurts, and after we started talking about universities, I asked her if she was on facebook? She said she is but she uses a different name and told me to look her up as another name because she does not want her co-workers to see her online pictures. So later on the evening, I invited her to be my facebook friend and sent her a friendly message with the invite. However, a day later (today), I still see the "awaiting friend confirmation" message and that her original picture is now blank. Furthermore, i can not send her messages anymore.

I know the logical answer is to waited out and see what happens since it's only been less than 24 hours, but I'm wondering what that means....She changed her entire privacy setting overnight after I invited her to be my friend.... Any guesses?

- Pogo peeps - 02-24-2014 09:24 PM

Facebook has just created new privacy settings. A window pops up asking you to change privacy settings, so that's probably why she did.
But the fact that she goes by more than one name indicates she has something to hide.
Don't waste time worrying about her.

- I know it ! - 02-24-2014 09:29 PM

Lol , thats bull-crap man
Be confident , privacy settings were recently released lol , and even i changed them yest. but that does'nt mean that i dont like the girl i just became friends with Big Grin

i say , wait .

- Chris C - 02-24-2014 09:31 PM

You're overthinking it. What makes you think that it was because of you that she changed her privacy settings and not just a coincidence that it happened around the same time?