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More Information about Wicca and Witchcraft religions? - Sara - 02-24-2014 09:48 PM

I read that it takes a year or longer for some fully understand the ways of Wicca and witches. I have been researching and reading but I want more information. Pretty much all of my family is Christian and I just feel like its not really for me I get tired of being told everything is evil if your not Christian. I am very open minded person and get tired of being closed out because im somehow always wrong. I love nature and animals and I don't think one person created everything. I have always loved the moon and night time I really feel at peace. I don't really have anyone where im at to discuss this with because they either think i'm following a fake religion or don't know anything about it. Is there any good books and websites I can go to. People to talk to even groups on Facebook I can discuss this with and won't be judged or looked at like i'm crazy or stupid? Please and Thank you.

- harriet - 02-24-2014 09:57 PM

Although some people today view Wicca as a harmless nature religion, you need to know this about it's magic:
Magic, of course, has always been associated with the occult. (In English, some use the spelling “magick” to distinguish the difference between the occult variety and stage illusions).
Many people in both ancient and modern times believe that the magic practiced by witches is performed to bring harm to others. Witches are credited with the power to inflict severe pain and even death by means of magic. Traditionally, witches have been blamed for an almost limitless array of misfortunes, including illness, death, and crop failure.
Witches today strongly deny such charges. While acknowledging the existence of the occasional rogue witch who pursues evil, most maintain that their magic is used to bring benefits, not harm. Wiccans teach that the effects of magic will return threefold to the person practicing it and say that this is a major deterrent to the pronouncing of curses. Examples of this so-called benevolent magic include spells to protect yourself, to purify your home from negative energy left behind by former tenants, to make a person fall in love with you, to promote healing and health, to prevent the loss of your job, and to acquire money. With such sweeping powers being attributed to witchcraft, it is not surprising that it has become so popular.
The Bible, however, makes no distinction between magic that is good and magic that is evil. In the Law given to Moses, God made his position quite clear. He said: “You must not practice magic.” (Leviticus 19:26) We also read: “There should not be found in you . . . a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium.”—Deuteronomy 18:10, 11.
Why did God say that? It is not because he intends to deny us what is beneficial. Jehovah gave these laws to his people because he loved them and did not want them to become enslaved by fear and superstition. Instead, he invites his servants to approach him for the things they need. He is the Giver of “every good gift and every perfect present.” (James 1:17) The apostle John assured fellow believers: “Whatever we ask we receive from [God], because we are observing his commandments and are doing the things that are pleasing in his eyes.”—1 John 3:22.
What About Evil Spirits?
Many witches agree with the Bible on this point: Evil spirits do exist. In one essay a promoter of witchcraft warns: “The Shadows are out there: They exist, in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures. . . . The terms ‘Imp’, ‘Evil Spirit’ and ‘Demon’ are fairly accurate. They are very strong. . . . The most intelligent variety . . . are capable (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway for them) of entering our world. . . . They can enter your body . . . , even asserting a degree of control over you. Yes, this is exactly like the old stories of Demon possession.”
In Bible times, demon possession afflicted people in various ways. Some of those affected were unable to speak, some were blind, some acted insane, and some possessed superhuman strength. (Matthew 9:32; 12:22; 17:15, 18; Mark 5:2-5; Luke 8:29; 9:42; 11:14; Acts 19:16) At times the agony was compounded when many demons gained possession of a person simultaneously. (Luke 8:2, 30) Surely, then, there is good reason why Jehovah warns people to stay away from witchcraft and other occult practices.
Religion Based on Truth
Many are drawn to witchcraft today because it seems to be a harmless, benign, nature religion. In some communities it has become accepted. It is not feared. Rather, it has often become trivialized. In a climate where religious tolerance leads many to embrace even the bizarre, witchcraft has gained considerable respectability.
Indeed, the world of religions has become a marketplace from which people are free to choose one that fits their needs, much as one would buy a pair of shoes. In contrast, Jesus spoke of only two choices. He said: “Go in through the narrow gate; because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are the ones going in through it; whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are the ones finding it.” (Matthew 7:13, 14) Naturally, we are free to choose which path to take. But since our eternal welfare is at stake, that choice is vitally important. To achieve spiritual enlightenment, we must pursue the way of truth—the way that is found only in God’s Word, the Bible.

- Mackenzie - 02-24-2014 10:06 PM

First, ignore Harriet's entire incorrect answer, because the Witches of Christian folklore in the middle ages have nothing to do with Wicca-- the modern NeoPagan Fertility Religion and there is ***nothing*** dangerous about it. Not one thing Christians "warned" me for my whole life about Wicca, Witchcraft, Pagan religions or the Occult has turned out to be true at all. Seriously, not one. They THINK it's true, but they're just repeating the propaganda they've been taught. Those of us who are actual Wiccans, Witches, Pagans, or who practice the Occult know better when it comes to our own religions and spiritual practices.

Now, that said-- the focus of Wicca is our relationship with our Gods. So a good step (besides reading) is developing a prayer and meditation regime.

You don't have to perform full-blown rituals... simply take a few minutes out each day to be alone (maybe before you come out of your room in the morning or before going to bed at night).

Now, as for websites and books, some really suck, because so much has gotten distorted by pop culture and by bad references aimed at people looking to play around.

Some are really good, too. You have to learn to separate the wheat from the chaff, so don't be afraid to go digging for better sources when things don't make sense.

My favorite website to recommend is

It clears up a lot of misinformation about Wicca; It has a really good recommended reading list there, too, and gives ratings to other books you might hear about that aren't as good even though they are popular.

You're right; it does take time. Just learn, no rush, and there are a lot of long-time Wiccans here who can help you, so ask but leave your question up a couple of days for us to find it. :-)

- Kristin - 02-24-2014 10:07 PM

Hi, there. Wiccan High Priestess and coven leader here. First, there is a LOT of misinformation about Wicca out there. A lot. And many people believe very false things about it, such as Harriet here. Wicca is not about magic. It's just simply not.

Where can you find solid information about Wicca?
1. Talk with trained and initiated Wiccans. You can certainly mail me and I'll answer your questions.
2. Go to recommended websites, not just random websites, as most websites about Wicca are awful. Here are some good ones:

Actually read the websites rather than just looking at the home page.
3. Read recommended books instead of just randomly reading books without finding out if they are good ones. Some books I like for beginners include:
"Paganism: An Introduction to Earth-Centered Religions," by Higgenbotham
"Ethics and the Craft," by Coughlin
"Creating Circles and Ceremonies," by the Zell-Ravenhearts
"A Witch's Bible," by the Farrars
Anything by Deborah Lipp
"The Circle, Cubed: Erecting the Temple in Four Dimensions," by MacMorgan-Douglas

Authors that in my studied opinion are NOT good sources of information include:
Silver Ravenwolf
Ed Fitch
DJ Conway

4. Read Pagan periodicals such as Circle Magazine, Witches & Pagans Magazine, and SageWoman

Best of luck to you as you learn and grow on your path. Please let me know if I can answer any questions.

- Art - 02-24-2014 10:15 PM

It is a contrived religion dating from the early 20th or late 19th century at best. It may have been formed with the intent of recreating the nature worship of the Celts and Druids but as our knowledge of that religion is limited to a few Roman mentions of it that give no substance or knowledge, it comes down to being whatever the individuals who practice it want it to be.