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Someone is using my picture for a fake Facebook account? - Printable Version

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Someone is using my picture for a fake Facebook account? - Headache - 02-24-2014 10:03 PM

I was browsing through Facebook and I came across someone's profile under the name of 'Kellie Gee' and her profile picture is of ME and an old friend of mine!!! I don't even know how she got hold of the photo as its something I tweeted about six months ago! I never even used it on Facebook! Apparantly, she also lives in a town that is miles away from mine! I can't really see what else she posts or how many 'friends' she has because her profile is private. What is going on? Why would someone miles away create a fake account with such a random photo? What do I do?

- florence - 02-24-2014 10:09 PM

Report the account or tell them that they're using your picture and that you want it off since its creepy.

- Mohit - 02-24-2014 10:14 PM

First try to contact her if not worked then goto facebook help and support tell them complete issue they with id detail they will probabely help u...if still not work then go mile away to talk her with someone close or senior...this is not a minor issue.this may harm ur sthg as soon as possible...good luck

- Theresa - 02-24-2014 10:21 PM

This is happening to me right now. Someone has hacked my account and is using a picture of me and my son all over facebook. I have deleted my account, reported it but i dont see how im ever going to get my pics back! Like you i dont know what my pics are being used for, good luck to you this is a really difficult one, try to report it somehow.