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Is a 35 year age difference too much? - Printable Version

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Is a 35 year age difference too much? - Melody - 02-24-2014 10:03 PM

First off, I am a 22 year old female and he is a 57 year old male. He is a retired correctional officer and he is divorced. We've known of each other for many years because he was my grandma's neighbor when he was still married. We started taling on Facebook a few months ago and he showed an interest in me. We actually hung out a few times and had a lot of fun. He wants to be in a relationship with me and even though I am attracted to him (which Is crazy because I NEVER that I could be attracted to someone so much older than me), I still can't see myself being in a relationship with him. It's because of the age difference and what my parents would say/think. I know that I'm an adult and I can make my own choices, but I don't want to ruin my relationship with my parents. What do you guys think? Most people that I've talked to say that he's a pervert for trying to get with me... but if we're both adults, it's not legally wrong... but is it morally wrong?

- Amellia - 02-24-2014 10:09 PM

I'd say do whatever makes you happy. Just know you're going to get judged. I don't think it's morally wrong. You're old enough to make your own choices now.

- Rick B - 02-24-2014 10:12 PM

That is way too he older than your parents?????

- devonian Rodders - 02-24-2014 10:15 PM

The age gap can work the time you are thirty something, he will be well into retirement, and you will be expected to look after him 24/7 How would you associate with friends, would they be around his age or yours ?? Worth considering how tied you may become.

- Crystal - 02-24-2014 10:24 PM

well its unconventional and all but this life isn't about pleasing everyone out there parents potential lovers etc. you should explore the option of simply befriending him, I bet he has great stories about learn a lot that you can choose to deepen your own understanding of your own life.
Be Genuine be assertive with your boundaries sure you have explored your options be honest within yourself first this will become the clarity in your mind and that clarity will become the air of confidence that backs up your decisions and in your after all know when your doing what makes you happy
you are plus as friends you can still enjoy your 20s go with what makes you happy but I would suggest carefully considering and understanding what motivates your own actions and always Always make weigh it out don't do it for anyone elses approval its not morally wrong but you might get in over your head

- Ally - 02-24-2014 10:27 PM

I think you need to ask yourself, why he's attracted to you. Do you have things in common, do you share the same passions etc...
your 22, that's just the start of your adult hood, its exciting, nerve wrecking, and a bundle of emotions.
He's 57, divorced. He's more than half way through his life. He has experienced everything your going to.
Your both at very different stages of your life. Therefore you have to think where that leaves a relationship if you two were going to have one. Would he hold you back from pursuing your ambitions? I don't say that in a mean way but, if you date him you'll be sacrificing a lot of things, mostly your youth. I know you would probably gladly give certain things up e.g. going dancing with all your girlfriends, traveling, and if it gets serious eventually your aged group friends but you have to think about this.
Going head on into something like this and telling your parents you want to make sure that your strong within yourself to stick by that decision.

last thing, ask yourself "why is he dating me?"
your answer will be something like 'we like the same stuff, we enjoy each others company etc etc. From an outsiders point of view: He may very well genuinely like and care about you but hes also more than twice your age and out of a marriage, is he having a mid life crisis ?

good luck