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Should I add my boyfriend's friend that's a female on facebook? - Printable Version

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Should I add my boyfriend's friend that's a female on facebook? - Giraffe♡ - 02-24-2014 10:05 PM

So I sound like a preteen going through a drama queen stage but hear me out. This was awhile ago May of 2013 and it still bothers me. I am 19 years old and my boyfriend is 22. (I will be 20 and he will be 23 soon). He has a friend that he is close to or was anyway. They don't talk as much anymore. She has a boyfriend and of course my boyfriend is with me. This friend of his asked him to go to breakfast with her at 6 AM in the morning. My boyfriend told me about it and then he asked, "Why didn't she ask her boyfriend instead of me?" Jealousy of course fired up inside me. In a previous relationship, my ex emotionally cheated on me with a girl he was close to so he broke up with me. Memories flooded back of that time when I as hurt so, could you blame me being jealous? Anyhow, I only spoke to this girl once and when i met her she gave me a sneer. That was way back when me and my boyfriend were still a fairly new couple (Estimate maybe a month or two in). Anyway, I do not care as much anymore about her and I wonder if I should still add her. I mean, i can't say i don't fully care because I do. That time still is in my head wondering if she secretly likes my boyfriend even though she has her own boyfriend. Should I add her or just forget about it?

I don't have any of my boyfriends friends on facebook because they do not have a facebook, and she seems to have one. I dunno.

- V12 - 02-24-2014 10:06 PM

Good lord...

- Jollybeggar802 - 02-24-2014 10:15 PM


- Luv You - 02-24-2014 10:25 PM

don't add her

- Chloë - 02-24-2014 10:30 PM

I completely understand where you're coming from..if she has a boyfriend why would she want to see yours? That's weird. I think she may have had a thing for him before you two had gotten together. Your boyfriend perhaps "friendzoned" her? I dunno, that's weird.
I say if you feel like she's a threat to your relationship, add her. Don't talk to her or message her first. Be friendly.