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She Sent Me A Friend Request To Be Friendly? - Printable Version

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She Sent Me A Friend Request To Be Friendly? - Levi - 02-24-2014 10:09 PM

I met this girl who's a friend of one of my friends last week. She spoke mostly with her friend mostly and me very briefly.

Tuesday my friend went to go see her and they spoke most of the time. Me and her talked a little when he was doing something.

I then told him I had to catch the metro and his friend said she'd take it with me. We spoke about different things until my stop. Wednesday I woke up and have a friend request from her on Facebook. I told my friend yesterday and he said she always adds his friends.

- Betty - 02-24-2014 10:13 PM

She's only being friendly...nothing else.
She seems like a nice girl.