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Can you advuce me about Grace Jean Johnson,please? - Printable Version

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Can you advuce me about Grace Jean Johnson,please? - Corinna - 02-24-2014 10:12 PM

Grace wrote yester day evening to me through my facebook account.She liked my profile etc.and asked me to contact her over the email adress she is not regulary at facebook and she wanted my friendship.
I wrote her this morning an email.The return was that she is the only daughter of a Dr.Jean Johnson of the Democratic Republic of Congo and the secrurity minister there before he was murdered.She is the only daughter of him and needs me help of me to get the money from her father's bank acount in london where he has many millions of $.She asks me to keep that secret and tell no one.Here and elsewhere I found a simelar story of users here.Could victims of Grace contact me,please.I need advice.I'm German and living in Germany.Thanks for helping me.

- K.C. - 02-24-2014 10:18 PM

This is a scam. Ignore it and move on.