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how to convince your parents to get you home schooled? - Printable Version

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how to convince your parents to get you home schooled? - Mouza - 02-24-2014 10:15 PM

So I've been bullied for many many years but actually that ISN'T the reason I want to get home schooled. A few months ago i got an OAB (overactive bladder). I have to leave the class multiple times during each period. sometimes teachers would tell me to sit down, they think i just don't want to attend class which i do. I'm also sick of all the people and teachers at my school. Most of them yell out my grades which is really embarrassing and compares me to other students in front of the whole class. I get really bad pain on my lower waist which is very painful. this past month it has gotten worse and worse. I can't go out without going to the bathroom more than 3-4 times. I sometimes wet my underwear a bit because teachers wont let me out of the classroom and it's really difficult to hold in. Sorry for the really long explanation. I have my exams next week and this week is the end of the first semester. My mom doesn't know about my OAB at all i just thought it was normal because i started drinking water more often. i live in Abu Dhabi (most of you may know dubai, well abu dhabi is the capital of the country.) and I don't know if you can get home schooled here. Anyways my mom can't home school me because she has work and shes not very good in some of the subjects I'm learning. Yes, we can afford it my family is loaded.

P.s. Sorry for the long paragraph

- nina never gets it - 02-24-2014 10:21 PM

Tell her about your bladder. Have you seen a doctor about both that and the pain in your lower waist? This sounds pretty serious.
If it's established that you have a chronic medical condition I think they'd be more understanding about you needing to be home schooled.

- Rebecca B - 02-24-2014 10:23 PM

Have you told your teachers about your overactive bladder? I'm sure if they understood *why* you have to keep leaving class to go to the loo, they'd understand. It sounds like they don't know and are therefore assuming you're just skiving and want to get out of class and that is why they get cross with you so much.

Yes, homeschooling is alive and well in Abu Dhabi : .