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What Was Your Moment Of The Night? - Printable Version

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What Was Your Moment Of The Night? - Mark - 02-24-2014 10:17 PM

What was your favorite moment of the 2012 Money in the Bank PPV?

Here are my Top 3 moments, with number 1 being the favorite:

3. Dolph Ziggler winning. I wanted Kidd to win, but it's about time Ziggler was in a major title picture. As Curt Hawkins said on Twitter, Ziggler "works too hard to be ignored." Also, I didn't think anyone could make the Cobra look effective, but Ziggler sold it like the apocalypse had just happened on his face.

2. The entire CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan match. You can't get much better than the two best wrestlers in the WWE one-on-one in a match that lasted almost half an hour.

1. Tyson Kidd. The dude has sick skills. He had the two best spots of the whole PPV. The first was when he jumped from the ring apron to the middle of the top rope to over halfway up the ladder and within reach of the briefcase. The best spot by far was when he was standing on the top rope holding a closed ladder for balance; he steps up onto it so that it falls towards the main ladder; he jumps off his ladder and grabs Ziggler mid-air and successfully completes a powerbomb. I loved that the fans broke out the "Holy Sh*t" chant when that happened. Hopefully he gets in a title picture soon.

So what were your top 3 moments?

- Did I Do Dat? - 02-24-2014 10:21 PM

AJ in the ref outfit

So hot =)

- XavierTheGreat - 02-24-2014 10:29 PM

Dolph Ziggler winning

- gAy. J. Styles - 02-24-2014 10:33 PM

when john cena smiles after his win.
no just kidding that made me want to vomit