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I have experience in business... what jobs could I apply for? - Printable Version

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I have experience in business... what jobs could I apply for? - Sophie - 02-24-2014 10:25 PM

Hi there, I am 20 years old and for the past 2 years have run my own business online - and it has done really well! I have been featured in magazines, made 1000's of sales of my handmade items and have over 10,000 fans on my facebook page for it, but I have decided to scale it down once more to a hobby and look for a job.

But I have no clue what job or career... I enjoy planning, researching, being creative, and I know quite a lot about selling and what people want to buy, and how to grab attention and make friends with the audience. But I am not sure what direction I should go in... what career I could have with these skills? I don't want to run my own business anymore, it was often exhausting and very isolating at times, as I did it all on my own from home. Any advice would be great, thank you!
In answer to oopsoohooh

I have also stated that I don't like the isolation and pressure of working for myself - and it would be nice to have a steady paycheck for once! Smile

- Thor - 02-24-2014 10:34 PM

Marketing or consulting

- oopsoohooh - 02-24-2014 10:42 PM

why work for others when you have clearly stated you have experience and are successful

- Mama Knows - 02-24-2014 10:44 PM

LOL are you for real??? You have 1000's of sales, you have been featured in magazines, have made 1000's of handmade items (whilst you are only 13 years old - I guess you did all that whilst you were supposed to be doing homework). So now you want US to tell YOU what business to go into??

Your question beggars belief, listen just go into the same business as those 1000's of items you have already sold. Get a life and stop lying. You are just a silly child pretending to be a big business woman.