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Is the Free Market a God? - Printable Version

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Is the Free Market a God? - TC - 02-24-2014 10:38 PM

I was watching this Economist from the University of Chicago on NOVA and he pretty much said that the Market is Omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent. Also, many Conservatives believe that the Market will solve all of our problems if we just have faith in it and don't worship the false idols of regulation and social welfare.

- Bob - 02-24-2014 10:42 PM

Yes. Yes, it is.

- Wei r - 02-24-2014 10:51 PM

First there is a scripture that reads, "do not put your trust in earthling man." Who is the market control and regulated by? Men. Who creates all our problems? Man. Who regulates the market? Man/men. What are false gods an image of? Man or the bull. the ram. etc., something like that. And social welfare was created by whom to do what for what purpose because of what ? All of the above So, there how can we have faith in the market when they do not know what they are doing> If you are a christian and is familiar with the Bible then you should know that some of what this person has said is the opposite of what God want us to do. Look! there are some situations that does look as if they are control by these forces, only becasue we do not pray earnestly and we do not treat each other with a mild temper. We live in a capitalistic society so what do you expect from it. They have lost all faith in themselves and how can they ask you and I to have faith in them?
have fun with all the dogma you will theorize something eventually.

- Vinnie - 02-24-2014 10:54 PM

Free market isn't god but there's a striking similarity between those selling religion and those promoting deregulation. Enron and 9/11 are their outcomes from not so long back. Talking about present, recession is not even over, and the 'holy war' seems perpetual.
Goldman agrees they were betting against the securities they created. Greenspan agreed in senate hearing that his world view (of regulation less free markets) was flawed.
Terrorists on suicide mission praise god before dying.
Do I need say more?

- Deof Movestofca - 02-24-2014 10:55 PM

Only Yahweh is God. And if the free market really was that important to Him, I would have expected an eleventh commandment, something along the lines of "Thou shalt have a free market without any regulations or restrictions or social welfare".