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I had a facebook account over a year ago? - Printable Version

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I had a facebook account over a year ago? - Fahima - 02-24-2014 10:48 PM

I deactivated my Facebook account way over a year ago but I didn't just deactivated it I permanently deactivated and it gave me 14 days at the time to change my mind if I wanted to keep it. But I didn't log in within 14 days and today I've tried logging in using the same email and password but it says there's no account with that email on Facebook. But this is my only email and the reason I want to log in is for all my old picture I had on there.
Did Facebook permanently delete it? Is there any way to get it back? Thanks!

- Joe - 02-24-2014 10:55 PM

You didn't deactivate your account, you deleted it. If you choose to delete your Facebook account they give you 14 days to log back in in case you change your mind, after that they delete everything associated with your account. If you deactivate your account they keep your information indefinitely. Unfortunately, your picture is probably lost.

- Barbie - 02-24-2014 11:00 PM

No, there is no way to get it back