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it cant be all coincidence ? - Printable Version

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it cant be all coincidence ? - Francois - 02-24-2014 10:56 PM

I asked her out three times but her answer was I don't like anybody. I moved on and 10 days later I blocked her on facebook( I just wanted to get over coz I keep looking at her profile). 2 days later a classmate whom I don't know at all ( he is her best friend, they always hang out together ) adds me on Facebook. is it a coincidence, I mean I never talked to this guy and he her best friend I dunno ?

1-her friend ( female friend) asked me if I am in a relationship or not ( before my confession)
caught her friend whispering in her ear and 1 minute later she came in to me with her friend and initiated a conversation ( before the confession)
2-one day after the confession her female friend sent me a group link and my crush is member of this group.
3- after she rejected me the first time I posted some random staff on the group late at night and after half an hour she commented on an old post ( It Is not my post but I still get the notification) and I am sure she made it on purpose to grab my attention

- Haris - 02-24-2014 11:04 PM

It could just be coincidence.

- K - 02-24-2014 11:08 PM

That's pretty confusing. I feel like the guy friend is just being nosy, trying to see if you post about your crush or not. Maybe he likes her too and feels like you're his competition since you like her. All I can say is talk to her normally, as if nothing is wrong. Don't push your feelings onto her, as she already knows them. Just wait to see if she comes around and makes a move.