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Would you pay $1 a month for facebook? - Printable Version

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Would you pay $1 a month for facebook? - Ryan - 02-24-2014 11:00 PM

Honestly, I probably would. I mean whats $12 a year? Just work at Burger King or something for an hour. And if you look at the numbers, Facebook would generate a ton of cash if they did do this. There are more then 350 active users on facebook, and 50% of the users will log onto Facebook on any given day. I'll assume that around 200 million people have also weaved facebook into their lives enough to also pay. So that would mean in 1 year, Facebook would generate around 2.4 Billion dollars. Dont forget about all the ad's and stuff. I wouldnt blame them if they ever would to charge people.

- ItachisXeyes - 02-24-2014 11:07 PM

facebook already makes a ton from the ads you see on the side of your wall
i have a phone, i can call people if i want
and also i have other places to display my photography, besides facebook compresses the resolution down so much half the time i don't even upload my photos because it really takes away from it.
though it is easy to share links and what not. but i already have email and IM (a universal IM) i don't even really know why i have a facebook to be honest

- purplemongoose - 02-24-2014 11:09 PM

probably not. I do use it, but don't think it is honestly that great. I would rather spend that little bit of money on something else...