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How different do you think your life would be if you were a different race or skin colour? - Printable Version

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How different do you think your life would be if you were a different race or skin colour? - corny - 02-24-2014 11:18 PM

A twitter hash tag is trending in the USA where two friends, one black one white, have tried to say how their life would be different if they were a different skin colour. It has sparked a big debate about race in the USA. Do you think your life would be any different if you were living where you live now, but had a different ethnicity
Lol Lewis, how do you know these two were Lefties? And as a white socialist female, I have very much put my own career on the back burner to be a housewife, yet I know Muslim women who work and who are very vocal!! As for loving me, best get back to the queue there chuck, you are only the latest in a line of right wing males on this site who have built up some sort of obsession around me!! Not sure why but hey hum!

- faithfultitle299 - 02-24-2014 11:26 PM

I think it would be very different, whether we like it or not people DO discriminate, they all have their pet perceptions and no amount of PC or legislation will change that, in fact the more the powers that be and the PC lobby try to legislate the more they tend to label people and highlight the differences, at the end of the day they make it worse because it causes so much resentment, minority groups are perceived to have the upper hand, when they don't!

- Jack H - 02-24-2014 11:32 PM

No, I wouldn't want to be white in any case...

- Essex Lewis - 02-24-2014 11:38 PM

Why Lefties are so obsessed with Race and Skin Colour, is beyond me.
It's the 21st Century.
There's no need for Twitter Campaigns to race bait.

The Crux of all so called "Racial" issues is CULTURE.

So if all else in my life was the same, but I was just Black-skinned, I'd be 99% the same I think.

Can't say the same if I was brought up in a Devout Muslim family in a [sic] "Muslim Area", though.
As would you, I don't think you would be as much as a Socialist in your subservient housewife role and sat behind the Blokes at the Mosque while they discuss important stuff, eh, Corny?
(In Islam Women are "To Be Seen, And Not Heard")

Love ya. x

- SMEG - 02-24-2014 11:47 PM

I am black mans

- Tigerlily Breezer - 02-24-2014 11:53 PM

I am a woman of colour, and I am great already.

- Gent - 02-24-2014 11:58 PM

I'd be vindictive and humourless,grudge holding,and vengeful.
Petty minded,and arrogant.
A liar,and coward.

I may even opt for being a wrinkled old spider,sat in my corner,holding forth with gratuitous advice,and inane insights.

I'd still be " a loveable old rogue ",though,because I've invested so many lies in developing that persona.

Pity no one but me believes it though.