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Why didn't he flirt with me ( fake account )? - Printable Version

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Why didn't he flirt with me ( fake account )? - Shanice - 02-24-2014 11:45 PM

There's this boy in my school that were starting to talk . We started talking like two weeks ago in message and yes showed me that he likes me etc . So I wanted to test him out by pretending to be another girl on Facebook . I sent him a message trying to talk to him he answered me nicely at first , until he stopped . I was asking him questions and he wrote that he likes a girl in his school . So I kept trying to convince him to like me instead , but he then started saying to stop texting him and to leave him alone etc . He's also a bit younger then me too , I just wonder why he acted like that . He wrote to me as the ( fake girl ) "will you fuck me? J.k stop texting me".

- Chris - 02-24-2014 11:51 PM


- kuji nushi - 02-24-2014 11:58 PM

wo whe prob knows its you

- tia - 02-25-2014 12:07 AM

Why do you have to play those childish games? If he showed you two weeks ago that he likes you, then why test him with a fake account. If you don't smarten up, then you will end up alone. You say he's younger than you, but he seems very mature for his age. Stop playing those silly games.

- bravis - 02-25-2014 12:08 AM

There can be many possibilities. Following are some:-
1. He deeply and seriously loves you (may be);
2. He does not like flirting (unlikly);
3. He knows that the fake girl is you (possible).
Confusing? Do something sensible dear, in this test of yours the only person who is going to fail is you. If you are afraid of water forget pearls.