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facebook privacy - restricted/ aquantences list? - Printable Version

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facebook privacy - restricted/ aquantences list? - Lost - 02-24-2014 11:48 PM

when you add someone o either of these lists.. what does it actually do?

are photos and status updates hidden from appearing on certain peoples newsfeed?

if they're hidden from a persons news feed, would the posts and photos still show up on my timeline?

like if i add someone to either list, would my status updates and photos, i post and am tagged in be hidden from showing up in their news feed, but that person could still see it on my time line,if they visited my profile/ timeline

- Alex - 02-24-2014 11:51 PM

Acquaintances: This list is for friends you don’t need to stay in close touch with. People on your acquaintances list will rarely show up in your News Feed. You can also choose to exclude these people when you post something, by choosing Friends except Acquaintances in the audience selector.

Restricted: This list is for people you’ve added as a friend but just don’t want to share with, like your boss. When you add someone to your Restricted list, they will only be able to see your Public content or posts of yours that you tag them in.

- abraXus - 02-24-2014 11:57 PM

adding someone to your restricted list prevents them from seeing any of your activity - it's like you are friends with them still, but they dont have the benefit of seeing your activity - but why do you have them as a friend if you dont want them to see your activity? you are defeating the whole purpose of adding them as a friend if you do that

unless, of course, you are adding people as friends just because you think it makes you appear "popular"

if you use facebook this way, you are using it wrong