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Ladies: Would you date a man who doesn't have a Facebook account? - Printable Version

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Ladies: Would you date a man who doesn't have a Facebook account? - Roumoun - 02-25-2014 12:16 AM

Would you press him to get one?

DISCLAIMER: This is not a personal advertisement.

- SWACattack - 02-25-2014 12:24 AM

why would it matter if he doesnt have a facebook?

- Jo. - 02-25-2014 12:34 AM

I would date someone with out a facebook it would be a stupid reason not to date a guy.
And no i wouldn't press him to get one, if he doesn't want one he doesn't want one, it's not my job to change his mind.

- Gabi Baby :] - 02-25-2014 12:39 AM

If he's a good guy, funny, and I like him it wouldn't care. So no I wouldn't press him to get a facebook

- asmeralda - 02-25-2014 12:42 AM

I would absolutely date him. It's even better that he doesnt have facebook.

- X O - 02-25-2014 12:43 AM

Not an issue.

Even though I have one, I wouldn't press him for one.

Facebook has become this weird black hole & Southpark has a great episode which highlights the reasons why it's not a good thing.

Just look at the questions posted in Y!A. A lot are about Facebook statuses, liking pictures, chatting there etc.

No one needs that drama in a relationship. They're hard enough.

- Danielle - 02-25-2014 12:51 AM

of course, who cares about facebook

- urbangirl - 02-25-2014 12:56 AM

Yes, and no pressure from me, who cares if he has one or not. By the way I don't have one and I still get guys asking me out (they don't care about facebook).

- Cindy Roo - 02-25-2014 12:59 AM

Well if I were dating it wouldn't matter one way or the other. Besides Facebook hasn't been around that long to decided someone is or isn't worth dating. I certainly wouldn't want someone to do something that they didn't want to do.

- csilv_98 - 02-25-2014 01:08 AM

Would you date a man who doesn't have a Facebook account?


Would you press him to get one?