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What is the name of the VPN company the US Embassy in Beijing uses? - Printable Version

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What is the name of the VPN company the US Embassy in Beijing uses? - InternationalTodd - 02-25-2014 12:34 AM

Is it available for others to purchase?

Can you name some good VPNs that do allow movie downloads as well as Twitter and U Tube?

I want to download some English Tutorials from U Tube and I can't!

Thank you for your time, Todd

- tumbleweed_biff - 02-25-2014 12:42 AM

Most likely, they don't use a VPN company ... They wouldn't use an outside agency for such a thing. Any VPN they would use would be internal.

You don't seem to understand what a VPN is. A VPN is a way of pretending your local computer is physically on a different network: example: you are at home and you need to connect to work. You run a VPN you connect by the internet to your company network and then use VPN software to encrypt the data between the two. This allows your computer to use things on the company network as though you were actually there instead of being at home.

Using a VPN to download things like movies would dramatically slow the process down: First, you would have to encrypt your request and send it to the VPN provider who would then decrypt your request and then it would have to connect out to the location of the download, download it to their system, encrypt it and then send it on to you. You are now dealing with the limits of your upload and download, and those of your VPN provider and finally that of the host of the file you are downloading.

If you are wanting to perform illicit downloads - downloading copyrighted material for which you don't have permission/rights (ie., stolen movies) and you want to do so in a way to make it difficult to trace that you were the one that downloaded it, what you want is a PROXY service, not a VPN. A proxy service serves as an intermediary allowing you relative anonymity.

- Idanre Magus - 02-25-2014 12:52 AM

You know what? I read about people asking Questions like this, in the Certified Ethical Hacker Course!

- Shaun - 02-25-2014 12:57 AM

Embassy would not rely on publicly availble VPN networks, hence you would not be able to have one. However, only a few VPN services effectively operate in China, and you can unblock YouTube, Facebook or any academic website. Here is a list of top 10 VPN available in China