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People who "expose" other people? - Printable Version

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People who "expose" other people? - loop_23 - 02-25-2014 12:36 AM

I've noticed a trend that's been going on for a few years now, that's become increasingly popular not only for the younger generation, but adults as well. Mainly women..Don't get me wrong, men do it too but I don't see it as much. Celebrities are known for doing this as well. The trend is exposing, or basically airing out dirty laundry on social networks with malicious intentions.

Ex: Say you and your current girl/boyfriend break up, you both have seen each other at your vulnerable states, you've said some things that you didn't mean or things that were initially meant to be kept between the two of you, you've taken some pictures that were intended to be kept private, etc. You move on, get a new girl/boyfriend months later after getting over the breakup (if you had to get over anything), your ex finds out & gets upset. Do you care? Of course not. BUT they do. They don't love you, they just don't want to see you happy. So they go out of their way to expose you, by uploading screenshots (the worst F*CKING thing ever invented) of those conversations of the things you've said, pictures you've sent, etc on twitter, facebook, whatever you have it.

As an adult (i'm 20, lol) I would not care If I were exposed. I've said some really screwed up, desperate, sad, crazy things. Especially when I was at my lowest with one of my exes (i've said some off the wall crap to a lot of females, lol. I'm young, don't judge me). Has she "exposed" me? NOPE, & to this day we dislike each other, but are mature enough not to take it to that point. I'm sure she's shown my messages to her "friends", but I could give a f*ck less. How I see it is, you said it, it can't (in some cases) be forgotten, or erased (kinda), & life goes on.

My question is, what exactly is the point of exposing people? For attention? Laughs? WHAT? I cannot get on twitter without seeing someone getting exposed, & I truly do not care about whoever that person may be(s) personal information. EVERYONE screws up, & says or does something they shouldn't have. Why take it to another level & publicly humiliate (if you give a damn) someone you no longer associate with? Younger females/males of all races (15-18) have a high tendency to do this.

I know this is long, lol. Sorry. Any opinions are appreciated.

- I know nothing - 02-25-2014 12:38 AM

funny how people who don't use twitter or FB to display every aspect of their lives don't have these sorts of "problems"