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GUYS: What do you do when you like a girl? - Printable Version

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GUYS: What do you do when you like a girl? - Amelie - 02-25-2014 12:47 AM

What signs do you show? How do you act when she's around you?

- Nigel - 02-25-2014 12:55 AM

When You catch her looking at you.... IF you laughs at your jokes... When she next to you and stuff following you like

- Dan Evan - 02-25-2014 01:04 AM

Just act normal in front of her and listen to music or chat to friends while she's looking at me

- Adi - 02-25-2014 01:06 AM

I do pretty simple things.

First I make sure im my self, I dont pretend to be anyone im just me, Im smiling and trieing to talk to her as much as possible, or to be in same friend group as her and talk to everyone just making expression of myself as happy young man Big Grin witch I am btw

Then I Just tell her that I find her interesting and I want to meet her, starting by saying my name and just asking casual stuff

If I want to approach her from facebook I dont add her to friends I just send her a message related to something we did in person with friends or one on one

after like 4th or 5th conversation on facebook I ask her out, If I got the number in person I would call her like 2-3 days after proposing an casual coffe

usually works and its not that complicated

- Richard - 02-25-2014 01:16 AM

Punch her in the face
With my mouth

- Big blue eyes - 02-25-2014 01:25 AM

Oh my God. I'm a girl, so I can't answer your question, but I just wanted to say: Richard. That. Is. The best. Line. Ever. I love it ^-^!!! Hahaa!!!!

My brother seems to talk to the girl, and....well he told his friend who he liked and then his friend went straight up to her and told her. They were boyfriend and girlfriend for about 2yrs or so, and then I think they're broken up (he doesn't talk about it). He sometimes watches a girls butt but that less a crush than a physical attraction...