Twitist Forums legit? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: legit? (/thread-105203.html) legit? - Dayna - 02-25-2014 02:25 PM


Im currently looking for car insurance, going through so many quotes. So this morning i gave it last try and checked
The cheapest quote came in from Quick sure (address in title)

I called them and spoke to the woman for around 10 minutes and ask why they were so cheap when every other company would give me around the same, give or take 20-50£
She was very helpful but i just cant seem to shake this feeling that its a scam or something.
I have been looking for ages and never found a quote so cheap.

The last thing i want to do is buy a car and then find out some time later that it was a scam and then have to sell the car due to not being able to afford the premiums with anyone else.

Thanks, any insite into this insurer would be great

- Piran - 02-25-2014 02:26 PM

Quicksure in Colchester were dissolved in 2011 and all the rest seem to be inSouth Africa.
Don't touch them. If they are cheap then there is a reason for it.

- GAVIN - 02-25-2014 02:37 PM

They are a new insurer to the UK market. They are not affiliated in any way to Quicksure of Colchester or South Africa. They are regulated by the FCA which was the FSC.
You can look them up on the FCA register and they come back as registered.

- Nikki - 02-25-2014 02:43 PM

Hi Dayna,

Quick-Sure are definitely a legitimate company - so don't worry!

I work for the marketing company who represents Quick-Sure ( and we are currently in the process of setting up more online information on social platforms regarding the company's products and services (@QuickSureIns and They are new to the market, but wouldn't be on sites such as Go Compare if there was any doubt about them! Plus their quotes are cheaper as they specialise in learner and young driver policies, so can give better rates.

If you're still in doubt, check out their website for all their regulation and membership information.

Hope this helps!

P.S. They are in no way affiliated with the Quicksure based in South Africa - that's just an unfortunate name coincidence!