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how can i get noticed more on YouTube? - Printable Version

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how can i get noticed more on YouTube? - Monica Love - 02-25-2014 06:12 PM

So i have a youtube for a year and i only have 40 subscribers and noone watches my videos. I honsestly want to get noticed more

- i like 3.14 - 02-25-2014 06:21 PM

Add exciting thumbnails and titles, and relevant tags. Join a collab with other youtubers with similar content and subscribers from all the channels will check out each others. Post comments on a lot of small channel's videos - don't spam - just leave a compliment then politely ask if they could check out your channel. Share your videos on other social networks such as facebook and twitter. Consistently produce good quality videos. The more good quality videos you have out, the more likely people will find you. And the biggest advice that I have is to be persistent - don't give up. I know that it can be frustrating, but as long as you are being yourself, consistently improving and producing videos, and keep at it, your patience will pay off. Good luck Smile

- Thomas - 02-25-2014 06:27 PM

Better to share your profile in Google + and other social media site and convince them to make a visit.

- Ava - 02-25-2014 06:40 PM

dont go to popular chanels and advertize i hate spammers sorry just saying. the only thing i can tell u is keep trying hard and making original fun content

- inukjuak90 - 02-25-2014 06:46 PM

The 2 most-common ways that ''regular'' people find videos + watch them +
make them very popular is:  1) by clicking on the right-side Related Videos
of what it is they're currently watching, and 2) following the YouTubers who
are already popular.  Therefore.....

See what the most-popular YouTubers in your category of videos are doing,
and take your cues from there.

The BEST piece of advice?  Check the "related videos" of the most popular
videos.  If you can do something along the same lines, (with practically the
same video titles, descriptions & tags), your videos may show up there too.


P.S.:  The URL of your question is "20131230230901''.  Had you been only
1 minute later with your Q, you would have had a perfect string of  0 1 2 3s:
