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Beginning to not stand my friend(s)? - Printable Version

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Beginning to not stand my friend(s)? - bought a bride - 02-25-2014 06:18 PM

I have two friends that I used to be really close with a while back, and the two weren't very close. Then, all of a sudden, they became (almost obsessively) close. One of the girls, I'll call her Betty, is a very insecure, self-centered girl that tries to put on a front of concietedness, but I see through it. She always finds ways to insult me backhandedly, and it's obvious she has a LOT of jealousy problems. However, she expects me to be a good friend to her when she ditched me and completely clashes with my personality. She has moved about an hour away from where I live, but she is still all over my facebook feed, and twitter,and social gatherings, and I feel like I just can't get away without some sort of confrontation. The other girl, I'll call her Lea, is one of those people that just irk me to oblivion. She is HUGELY hypocritical, even to the point that she accuses OTHER people of being hypocritical while being completely oblivious to her own hypocrisy. She tries SO HARD to be "independent" and "chill." She even COPIES some of the things I do/say/wear, and makes me completely repulsed to even consider doing/wearing/saying those things again. She is a horrific, fair-weather friend. She puts me down back-handedly, she also puts on an air of pseudo-conceit, and is self-centered beyond belief. She still goes to my school... unfortunately. She is part of my "group" of friends that I do things with/hang out with sometimes, and I go to a small private school that one can't "change" groups... but I wouldnt want to, because I love my real friends. But she is always there. She is condescending to me, she obviously has no respect for me, she talks badly about other people behind their back, she always talks about how cool she is, I just can't stand it. I have no idea how to deal with these two girls because everything they do, everything they are makes me angry and I feel like I have to see them all the time and fake interest and a smile when I see them. i don't want to "ditch" them or be on bad terms, but I have to find a way to cope with them, keep them out of my mind, and not let their obnoxious insecurity, immaturity, and hypocrisy get to me. Any help or advice? Has this ever happened to you in a social circle or school/workplace?

- me. - 02-25-2014 06:28 PM

I'm in a really similar situation. Only my problem is my friends fight, and they just ruined my 16th birthday party because of it. Just let your "friend" do whatever. Who cares what she does or says? If you hate, her opinion shouldnt mean anything to you. good luck...

- Cookie - 02-25-2014 06:35 PM

When I was in middle school, I had a friend, let's call her Shelby, that was so stuck-up, snobby, and conceited I could NOT stand her anymore. She would always talk about me behind my back and treat me badly. Finally, I got so tired of her I just said, "Okay, stop. If you can't learn to treat me like a person and stop pushing me around, we can't be friends anymore."
We stopped being friends, and after about 2 years she is finally treating me right. No, she does not push me around and does not treat me badly. We aren't close friends, we hardly ever talk, but I am so glad I did what I did. It felt like a huge weight was pushed off of me. I made many more friends that actually treat me like a human being and I am really happy the way it's going right now.
Maybe you should talk things out with your friends the way I did. I'm not saying you will still be best friends, but if you stand up for yourself I am sure they will start to show you some respect. I wish you the best and hope everything works out with you and your friends.

- Nikky - 02-25-2014 06:49 PM

this has happened to me a lot. so this is what i say just kinda voice your opinion and say that their bugging you and ask them to stop and who knows maybe they will.
if that doesn't work get your real Friends to back you up.
Hope this help.

- Ijaz-0_0 - 02-25-2014 06:59 PM

Salam (peace be unto you)... i feel compelled to help a fellow human.... I assume you are not a Muslim in regards to your personal belief... but i suggest you give gentle ears to this video: as well as to ignite some interest in learning about the religion of Islam...

Do reply back if you need further assistance my MSN is

Peace be unto you... may this problem of yours become an event of the past ^.^