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When do you think Facebook will die? - Printable Version

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When do you think Facebook will die? - Newbie - 02-26-2014 01:09 AM

I'd say 2017 it will be a MySpace, something new will overtake it. What do you think?

- Disemflect - 02-26-2014 01:16 AM

ICQ will rise again.

- Aura - 02-26-2014 01:28 AM

Honestly, I see less people using Facebook already and my age group is the more common of the folk on there (I'm in high school)
I'd say that they've largely moved on to Snapchat and Instagram. Come the end of the year, it'll probably just be old people and little kids being little kids on there.

- mdigitale - 02-26-2014 01:30 AM

I haven't used Facebook since its been dead for a long time in my eyes.

- Smokies Hiker - 02-26-2014 01:41 AM

Most of the social web sites are losing their participants due to losing their privacy on these sites. Employers monitor their employees facebook, twitter pages to see what they may be up to. Since these are public web sites, the employer and others ( police! ) have the right to look at whatever the person they're interested in has posted...especially photos ( they always say a picture is worth a thousand words! ) to see some employees in action after hours. One guy said on the radio that he had lost his life insurance policy because he lied on the application. He indicated he was a "non drinker", but someone saw a photo with him at a sports bar with a group of friends celebrating another friends birthday. He just happened to have a couple of beers sitting in front of him! Six people with 10 to 12 beers on the table..."caught in the act!" I read the other day that facebook expects to lose 80% of their followers over the next 5 or six years.

- A M - 02-26-2014 01:56 AM

It's already dead. Facebook is for teens anyways. Cops and other local and government agencies even your employer or school use it to collect information about you. Do you really want or need that?

- Garfield the Cat - 02-26-2014 02:01 AM

a couple years from now

- Yash - 02-26-2014 02:13 AM

I'd say in 2016. Why, you ask? Even I don't know.