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Does being unsociable make me less attractive? - Printable Version

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Does being unsociable make me less attractive? - Sarah - 02-26-2014 05:06 AM

Well I'm a sixteen year old girl and A few years back I moved to a really rough part of Manchester. The school is hard going!

At first I was bullied really badly - loads of the girls hated me and made hate groups about me on Facebook (seems to be the fashionable thing for teenagers to do these days) and they just wouldn't leave me alone. The boys were just as bad, they'd try and touch me up all the time and shove me about. Once one of them grabbed me up out my seat by my hair. Instead of being scared, I was mad this time so I got up and floored him and everything soon died down. They still chat about me behind my back, but at least they stay out my way!

Anyway, the teachers are all good though, and I'm doing really well. I really don't mean to sound big headed but I have got a lot going for me and I think this is why I was bullied - I stand out. I'm bright, people say I'm really slim and pretty and that I'll have no trouble finding a husband in the future! (Husband, not boyfriend - bit different in my culture lol)

But after everything that's happened at school, I can't be bothered with people. I'm usually quiet (apart from the odd scrap haha) and keep myself to myself. I've never got on with other girls my age.

In future when I find someone, will he think its odd that I hardly have any friends - is it a bad thing?

As a person myself, I've always thought I'd be a good wife. I have morals, honest, very loyal and faithful, make a good mum blah blah blah, you get the idea. So is not having any friends that big a deal?

- A - 02-26-2014 05:15 AM

I wouldn't think it odd.

- Katie - 02-26-2014 05:32 AM

Take it from someone who was an outcast in high school - don't worry what you're classmates think. There is truly nothing special about the (mean) popular kids in high school; they'll find that out when they get hit with the reality stick after they graduate.

I didn't have many friends in high school as I had a hard time connecting with people I went to school with. I thought there was something wrong with me when I was just mature for my age.
When I was senior in high school I started dating a guy from a well-known band and that's when my life really got better. I was hanging out with celebrities, got offered modeling gigs, moved out of my parent's house into my own apartment at 18, and am now dating a guy in the entertainment business. We've been dating for 2 years and he has opened many doors for me.
All of this would have never happened if I was the popular girl in high school. Being an outcast forced me to have a different perspective on people which turned out for my benefit in the end. I was the one who got the last laugh.

What I'm trying to say is after you graduate high school you'll realize you have much more potential than those sh*tty kids make you think you have.


The fact that those kids are trying to attack you is a good thing. There is jealousy behind it meaning you are somehow a threat to them. Remember, "if someone is trying to tear you down it only means you are above them"

- Smarty - 02-26-2014 05:44 AM

I would suggest you join a faith based youth group where everyone has the same morals and values. The reality is that we live in an increasingly secular world. Youth groups are a good place to feel accepted and you will find others just like you.

People bully you because they feel bad about themselves. It has everything to do with them and nothing to do with you.

I suggest you find a youth group and see where you can go from there.

Good luck!