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Anonymous Person threatening to hack my Facebook account? - Printable Version

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Anonymous Person threatening to hack my Facebook account? - brown eyes - 02-26-2014 12:39 PM

This psycho is trying to hack my Fb account. I have kept all my Pics private. I haven't accepted any friend requests from unknown entities. I have, in fact unfriended all the other people whom I have never known in my life. My list is filled with people whom i have met in person and known for years... I haven't kept any info public to people..
Anyone can give important information on how to prevent it frm being hacked ?? Any suggestions on how to prevent Obscene activities and maintain my ac/t damn safe ??

- Sophie - 02-26-2014 12:50 PM

1) You can enable Login Notification so that whenever any body (or a hacker) tries to login with your User ID and Password, you will receive a Notification on your cell phone and you will come to know that it's time to change your password right now because the hacker has got your password and is trying to log in to your Facebook Account.

To Enable Login Nofication
Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Login Notification. Put a Check Mark on your preffered option and

click Save Changes button.

2) Always check your Active Sessions. If you notice any unfamiliar location or device, it means your Facebook Account is at risk. Just click on End Activity and dont forget to change your password after that.

To Check Active Sessions
Go to Home -> Account Settings -> Security -> Active Sessions.

3) Enable Secure Browsing to make your account more secure.
Go to Home-> Account Settings -> Security -> Secure Browsing.

- Jan - 02-26-2014 01:01 PM

choose a strong password, but make sure it's something you can remember yourself. That's all you need to do.

I can more easily remember a password like "This chick from around the corner is H0T!" than "P@$sw0Rd!#" and even though they're dictionary words, it's much harder to crack because of the length.

- Satyajeet - 02-26-2014 01:02 PM

u should have diffrent password for facebook and email both should not be same , your facebook acount should be in privavacy , like who can see my number , only me , who can see my email ,thats only me , and who can see your profile that should be only friends of friends

- Jeev - 02-26-2014 01:10 PM

Following Three Security Options
makes your Facebook Account Secure
and Hacking Proof.
1) You can enable Login Notification
so that whenever any body (or a
hacker) tries to login with your User
ID and Password, you will receive a
Notification on your cell phone and
you will come to know that it's time
to change your password right now
because the hacker has got your
password and is trying to log in to
your Facebook Account.
To Enable Login Nofication
Go to Home -> Account Settings ->
Security -> Login Notification. Put a
Check Mark on your preffered option
click Save Changes button.
2) Always check your Active Sessions.
If you notice any unfamiliar location
or device, it means your Facebook
Account is at risk. Just click on End
Activity and dont forget to change
your password after that.
To Check Active Sessions
Go to Home -> Account Settings ->
Security -> Active Sessions.
3) Enable Secure Browsing to make
your account more secure.
Go to Home-> Account Settings ->
Security -> Secure Browsing.

- Ian - 02-26-2014 01:26 PM

I want to add a little bit to Sophie's answer: Change your password on a regular basis (every 10-30 days) this will maximize your chance to keep a safe account. Make sure its not something obvious that people could catch onto: Something complicated that only you know.

- Tanjil HaSan Taj - 02-26-2014 01:33 PM

Upgrade your security