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How do I text a girl for the first time? - Printable Version

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How do I text a girl for the first time? - Bezawit - 02-26-2014 03:28 PM

I wanna be friends with this girl (I'm a girl too ok, I'm not lesbian or anything i just want to be friends). But shes hella pretty and I feel like shes too good to be friends with me. I got her kik off Instagram and I don't know what to say. Do I just straight up say hey? What do we even talk about? Please give me some good advice
~ Beyaa

- Bryan - 02-26-2014 03:31 PM

just be like, wyd!!!!
or anything,

- Kelsey - 02-26-2014 03:39 PM

If she wears makeup you could be like hey I really like the way you do your makeup, any tips for me? Then you could talk about ways to do makeup and stuff and it can go on from there. You shouldn't just say hey because it can be awkward to continue a conversation with that. You could ask her what kind if flat iron she uses or curling iron (depends on how her hair is). From there on maybe ask what she thinks about Bieber going to jail the other day (lol) or where she's from and idk say you have a friend there (so you won't seem creepy for asking). Just a few tips. Good luck.

- Amanda - 02-26-2014 03:51 PM

Just pop up like 'hey' and you could ask her about some things you both may have in common. Or you could just say you found her kik on IG and you were bored and just thought you wanted to talk to someone. You could even compliment her on something like her make up or the way she dresses or her hair. Just make sure you don't sound like a lesbian LOL - joking. But just make sure you don't get the kind of feeling as if the conversation is going no where. If you get that feeling just make up an excuse as to why you have to stop talking or you could just blatantly ask if she feels weird that yous are talking even though yous haven't ever spoken before.