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Safe To Say She Wants Nothing To Do With Me? - Printable Version

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Safe To Say She Wants Nothing To Do With Me? - radius - 02-26-2014 09:55 PM

Last months I saw her and she looked away quickly. Then me and my dad went into the store she works in and she spoke to him and I said hi and she looked down. Summer 2012 we worked together and I'm sure she liked me but I was shy and she eventually got a BOYFRIEND. I saw her this summer with her friends she only spoke to me cause I went to her.2 weeks ago I text her after I ran into her friend.

We said hi and she asked how we ran into each other and she never responded. I sent a message to all my phone contacts saying Merry Christmas and she responded. On Instagram she didn't follow so I unfollowed her. Weeks after I followed her again and she followed back. On instagram she sometimes likes my pics. New years i text her and she reponded. And I text her to wish her happy birthday this week and she did not respond.

- AL - 02-26-2014 10:10 PM

.... relationship classification: FRIENDS

- Lilly - 02-26-2014 10:18 PM

Yeah she doesn't want anything to do with you, just move on to another girl who will appreciate your time.
Also, with all this instagram liking and following, don't get stuck on all that crap because in the real world it means nothing, it's pretty petty if you think about it, like my friends don't give a crap if I follow them on instagram or like their pictures as long as we talk to eachother we are all good.