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are you possesive in relationships? - Printable Version

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are you possesive in relationships? - branna - 02-26-2014 10:54 PM

I've just turned 18 and recently got into my first relationship even though I was always against getting a boyfriend because I think it gets in the way of being young and it also turns me off because my fun 19 year old sister settled down and became not so fun anymore (she is too mature for her age in my opinion). But I met this boy at a party, well man (He's 22) and we got each others number and we got to know each other and in the space of about 2 weeks we were dating. I don't know really about how you act in relationships but are these things normal for a boyfriend or girlfriend to do:

-See you everyday even when you tell them you really don't want to see them? If I don't meet him somewhere or at his house he'll come over and I have to let him in because he refuses to leave.
-When you accidentally leave your facebook logged in they change your cover photo and profile picture and about a 100 of your friends somehow become removed.
-Buy you jewellery with their initials on it and basically forces you to wear it all the time.
-Having a photos of you and them in their bedroom after 2 months..
-Commenting on small changes you make and telling you they don't like it (wearing different perfume or different hair style)
-spending far too much money on you, and even giving you money to go shopping with. He gave me a lot of money to shop with and I refused but the man wouldn't take no as an answer so the money is still just sitting in my purse because I feel guilty spending it.
-favourites every tweet you write and likes every instagram photo you put up. He does this (It feels like he's basically letting me know he's watching what I'm doing)
-Wants to be best friends with all your best friends.

There are other minor and slightly embarrassing things I wont mention here but do you do this in your relationship?? because I feel like its a little smothering. My friends tell me this is what a relationship is like and i'm just not used to having "another half" but im really considering breaking it off with him, even for just a while. I feel like the physical attraction is the thread that's holding us together, even after this short, short time (over 2 months). Maybe I am looking too much into it and trying to find any reason to label him controlling but I'll let you, the outsider, decide that.


- Bryan - 02-26-2014 11:09 PM

Mmm i think everybody is a little

- Adam - 02-26-2014 11:17 PM

Oh hell no. I like my space a little bit more than a lot of people too, sure, but that's just way, way too much. Even if some people are ok with that, it's perfectly fine if you aren't and might just mean you're not too compatible which is also ok. I know I wouldn't be ok with all that. I mean, I'm not saying he sounds dangerous or anything [though I would be careful about that, especially the part about him saying he doesn't like little changes reminds me of when legitimately crazy possessive people idealize somebody and won't "allow" them to change anything]. But even if it's just a little pushy and he's harmless, that would drive me completely insane.

- cee - 02-26-2014 11:19 PM

Everyone has their own opinion on relationships and what they like and dislike but to me some of this stuff seems normal but other things not so much...

Like with the Facebook thing he should have asked you about deleting friends instead of him sneaking around doing it and changing a picture isn't too bad at least you can just change it back as long as the photo wasn't inappropriate or embarrassing to you.

He shouldn't be forcing you to wear jewellery or forcing you to do anything whether you've been together for 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades for that matter!

Some of these things are normal but not all of them he seems like a half normal but half overly possessive boyfriend so be careful with him just in case because some people just care a lot but others just become too obsessive which make them dangerous. But I don't know the person or full situation so I can't fully judge it.

- down-to-earth - 02-26-2014 11:23 PM

WOAH! This has control written all over it. Going to the extent of forcing his presence when you ask him to leave? Over stepping personal boundaries and privacy rights by making imprtant changes without any permission from you. Snooping into an open face book may be tempting and most would peek BUT he defintely crossed the line.
Control, Control,'s only gonna get worse because the first litte while in the beginning they are on their best behaviour...holy crap, you better pay attention to all these Reg Flags, as they are called and don't ignore your gut instincts where he is concerned. This is not normal, it's not healthy and you are absolutely not reading too much into this.
I would advice you to do an online search for web sites that describe healthy relationship signs and signs of control and psychological abuse.
You might also try mistaking control for attentiveness in a relationship.
What to look for in controlling and abusive relatioships.
Young girls easily fall into abusive dating/relationships

Any of those phrases will get you a variety of sites to visit that will answer your question better than any of us..don't take it from me...see what the statistics are warning you about.

Good luck...good for you for being smart enough to question his behaviour!