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What's wrong with being a ghost follower on instagram? - Printable Version

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What's wrong with being a ghost follower on instagram? - Cookiemonster99 - 02-27-2014 01:02 AM

I follow this pretty little liars fan page on instagram and she has 880 followers. However, on her recent post, she counted her ghost followers which is apparently 390 (or did she use an app?) and says to like some photos to prove you're not a ghost follower. Honestly, this does annoy me sometimes because some people (like me) can't be on social media everyday due to school, work, etc. Don't people know you can be really busy with your life and just not have the time? What do you guys think?

- poggles789 - 02-27-2014 01:10 AM

I think she's an attention-seeking brat and you should just ignore her. She's just trying to attract more people to like her stuff so she gets more followers and likes and attention, which is probably how she got so many in the first place.