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Girls: would you want a guy to do this? - Printable Version

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Girls: would you want a guy to do this? - Circleunbroken - 02-27-2014 06:36 AM

I met my sisters housemates when I visited her a while ago, while we were out I got really close to one and we never left each other's side. She was a really nice girl but obviously I had to leave the next day. So a few days later I added her on Facebook, after wondering when she was gonna come online I got impatient and messaged her. I sent her a joke which could have been interpreted really badly and didn't realise, she didn't reply and my sister text me telling me to leave her alone. So I thought I messed everything up. (The joke wasn't about her btw)

The next day (yesterday) I decided to stop hating myself for it and apologise, so I did. She said she was alright with the joke, she thought it was funny but was unexpected. Then we had a short conversation afterwards.

What I want to know is if you girls were in her position, would you want me to keep talking to you? I wanna talk to her but I don't want to bug her too much and at all if she was just trying to act like everything was ok. I will probably be visiting her soon enough anyway I just thought it would be nice to talk to her in the meantime and maybe if everything goes well, set something up for when we do finally meet again.

So what do you girls think?

- BVB Army - 02-27-2014 06:38 AM

talk to her. just bring up that you will be around in the next few days and if she gives short replies then leaver her for a bit but if she 1)replies fairly quickly 2)replies with more than just 'k' then keep going. good luckSmile

- Erika - 02-27-2014 06:50 AM

continue talking to her, if she ignores you leave her alone but it sounds to me like she likes you (as a friend)
Good luck :')

Please answer;-