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How do I gain more followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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How do I gain more followers on twitter? - Me4you - 02-27-2014 07:28 AM

I would like to gain more followers on twitter - how do I do this? If you want to follow me my username is SaammyyWammyy Smile

Thank you!

- Mr Perfect - 02-27-2014 07:43 AM

Use TwitterFeed, or write about something unique and special in your Tweets, check this girl profile, i did the number of followers you see just doing that

- Levy - 02-27-2014 08:00 AM

You have a couple of different options.

1. You can post on a regular basis. Make sure what you are posting is interesting and fun. Try to post a few times a day but no more than that. Any more than that and people way unfollow you. To go a long with this you can also follow other people in your niche. Many people will follow you back when you follow them.

2. You can buy Twitter followers that look real and will stay there. By doing this you will look more like someone that people should be following anyways. It will make you look more like an authority user. There is a limit to the amount of people you can follow based on how many followers you have. So when you buy twitter followers this will allow you to follow even more targeted and specific users that will hopefully follow you back.

3. No matter which way you go it's important to make conversations. Talk to and reply to others. When you do this they are 10x more likely to follow you back. Ask them about what they do, etc.

I hope this helps you get all the followers you will ever need. There are many other great tips in the source.

- chorle - 02-27-2014 08:09 AM

okay, at least until I forget why I followed you

- Andrew - 02-27-2014 08:16 AM

Have you tried the social exchange platforms? They are providing good amount of followers if you follow them back.

- Jake - 02-27-2014 08:20 AM

Sharing your profile page in every viable place on the internet may help you develop your Twitter following. Try and concentrate on social networking and blogs to get more followers.

The following article has some amazing sites to share your Twitter profile

- Monique - 02-27-2014 08:30 AM

The short answer is that we follow others first. This works to a degree because we humans love to reciprocate when others do things for us first. The truth is that this tactic used to work really well when Twitter was newer. You could expect around one out of every two people you followed to return the favor. Thus, you could built up a following very quickly.

- Yay - 02-27-2014 08:40 AM

Tweet things that actually matter and most people can relate too. Follow big accounts and comment on their tweets. If you get lucky, they'll reply and their followers might follow you too (Just don't reply rude things. Funny ones are the best). If you're a fan of any big celebrities like Lana Del Rey, Justin Bieber, One Direction, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, etc, follow their fanbase accounts and try to communicate with them. You should also try to get a follow from your celebrity (But don't ask for a followback too much or you'll just annoy people) and if you get it, BOOM INSTANT POPULARITY. You should also do tweets that are related to the trends. Let's say the trend was "#IAmALoserBecause-". You should tweet about it. But BE ORIGINAL and relatable. You're welcome Smile