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Ima be a cheerleading captain & need to find 10 girls & practice in only 2 weeks . :c HELP PLEASE? - Printable Version

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Ima be a cheerleading captain & need to find 10 girls & practice in only 2 weeks . :c HELP PLEASE? - Melanie - 02-27-2014 07:54 AM

I really need help :/ okay, so our first peperally is on October 7th. Which is about 2 weeks from now . So im an 8th grader & was in cheerleading in 7th grade. Problem is,my school wants cheerleaders for the peperally & there is NO squad, No sponser. So the dance teacher told me I was gonna be captain. Cause there was only four 7th graders last year & the rest of the squad is already in high school & i need to find 12 girls in under a week :/but they need to EARN that uniform. I cant just give them out like nothing. But i cant have tryouts in such little time /: idk how ima do it Sad & sometimes , some girls dont listen, it frustrates me & wastes time. So any of you guys have any ideas to help me /: ? Im pretty much on my own. There wouldve been 4 of us but , one girl moved & the other is in the dance team , she cant be in both. & the other girl , ill have a lil help from her. But she isnt really dedicated to this as much as I am. Any advice ? :c it would really help :c thank you. <3 x.

- =) - 02-27-2014 08:08 AM

Hi! I used to cheer in middle and high school too, was actually a co captain one year.
Why don't you do this - post signs around the school, possibly look up a cheer on YouTube and put the link on the flier, and tell the girls to perfect that cheer for tryouts and that's the cheer you would be doing during the pep rally?
OR, post fliers around your school, have the tryouts, but during tryouts teach the routine, and cast out the girls who aren't doing them well?
I'm guaranteed that could work. You can even make a Facebook group if fliers would be a problem - "(your high school name) Cheer Tryouts 2013 - 2014"