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Could this work out? does she like me? frehsman and sophomore? UDPATE!!! BIG NEWS!!? - Printable Version

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Could this work out? does she like me? frehsman and sophomore? UDPATE!!! BIG NEWS!!? - S - 02-27-2014 12:40 PM

Theres this girl im into, her names Desiree( no she aint black, not to be racist but everyone thinks shes black). Well, I like her. I know her through confirmation. Up until recently( since sunday) We were hust friends. But she left her bf cause he cheated(as usual). So my friend Richard whos her friend told me hed help me get with her. So he asked her what she thinks of me and she said im really funny, and he asked if she'd give me a chance, and she said yes. Keep in mind desiree doesn't know Richard told me this. Then when I was walking around the courtyard, I pas by them. I find out that she told him "OMG hes coming *giggle or laugh*" <-something like that . So
later I sent her a instagram message saying "Hey! Heard u say u broke up with ur bf. If you needa talk im here Btw thanks for the drawing!!" earlier today she drew me with my sunglasses on.anyways, she saw the message, no reply. yet a few hours later she requested to follow me . then yesterday, i sent her a message saying "Hey! how was your day?" she saw it but she didnt reply, one time i commented on her post, and also tagged her in a post, no like or reply

yet tthat wednesday though, i posted her as my WCW, and she liked the photo and commented "Awwww thanks :,)" do all these things matter at all? her not ssaying sh*t and then she likes and comments on my post of her?

Her last bf clearly used her, all he posgtedabout was body building, and the gift he got her and a pic with him and her and a couple other girls at some rave. He dditn love her, but I do. I wanna be there on her bad days and tell her its ok, i wanna hold her when her world falls apart, if sh*t hits the fan and she hides, I wanna be the one to find her and carry her to safety . ALSO i forgot to mention, I dont think she is sad. She asked us on sunday if its bad if her ex bf cried, which he did. She basically doesnt care. But is she hurting?

She into me? I do not wanna creep her out or anything, THANKS
Shes just perfect, she is the most beautiful girl ever, and i mean that.

Update: i told her how i felt on Sunday, i didnt say i loved her but i said i really care about her and ill hold her on her bad days and shes beautiful and I wont be like her other boyfriend, etc. She didnt reply. But she posted a instagram pic of her smiling, ive never seen her with that big of a smile EVER! Shes showing alot of teeth and whatnot, and the caption was “mmkay *blushing face* <3”. Then yesterday, richard facebook messaged me saying “heeyy i needa talk to u about hwr(by hwr he prob means her).
then she posted another pic2 days ago that had a quote and the quote said "Seduce my mind and you can have my body, find my soul and im yours forever" the picture wasnt of eher, it was of the quote and the caption was something like "YASSS!!!"

- Alli - 02-27-2014 12:44 PM

I dot understand your question. Clearly she likes you, go for it. Also you should have said that in person.. 1) she HAS to reply and 2) it&#x27;s considered cowardly or wimpy not to do it in person. I hate how all conversations take place on twitter or Facebook now. It takes all the emotions and feelings out of talking.