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can I get this women fired for this? - Printable Version

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- Joe - 02-27-2014 02:29 PM

If she says the NAME of the bank, it is wrong. But I believe it would also be wrong to not mention this insane practice, at all, and how sick our society has become

- Badge203 - 02-27-2014 02:36 PM

What difference does it make to you what she posts? I mean really, how did her post effect you in anyway? How did her post damage your life?

As long as names were not used and she is telling the truth (or even if she isn't) then what difference does it possibly make to you, how did this post ruin you?

And I will tell you to keep your nose out of it, but it isn't about the post, you are on personal mission

The bank will not fire her, you may get sued (which you probably deserve)

And as far as the doctor goes, I do not know too many doctors that WASTE their time screwing around on Facebook, they actually have lives that do not include this waste of time called facebook

So what you are saying is, If I post on Facebook (which I don't because it is a tragic waste of time) that I write 5 speeding tickets a day, I should in some way be fired?

Or if a dentist stated that he/she had a person in the office with bad body odor she should get fired?

How about a mechanic who posted that over the weeks time he had 4 Fords, 2 Chevys and 2 Chrysler products in for repairs. I guess he should be fired for that too according to you

- James K - 02-27-2014 02:49 PM

If she is naming names, and particularly naming the bank and names, then you could ask to see an officer of the bank to render your complaint. Bring printed screen shots of the Facebook page as evidence.

That said, folk talk about their jobs all the time. As long as she is not giving out personal information or any way to identify the people she is speaking of, try reversing the situation for your own job. Have you never spoken about folk that you work with or customers in a way that someone might "take offence" and look to have your head (or job) on a pike?

- Jon - 02-27-2014 02:58 PM

Yes you can. If you write to the bank, the owner (if he's strict) will probably fire her, or maybe suspend her. It is not right for her to be nosing into other people businesses/privacy.
The parents have right to give their son that much money, and have right also to sue the woman, literally.
So yeah, mail the bank. At least she will learn from her mistake. Who cares if the parents are damn rich?
But if she is naming names you should call the police. She has absolutely no right to do that

- Yeti - 02-27-2014 03:07 PM

If it's at-will employment, an employer can fire someone for any reason or none at all.

As far as confidentiality, it's most likely critical that she not discuss specific clients with people, or especially use people's names. It's likely acceptable for her to talk (in private) about general work patterns like this... though most employers still aren't going to want it publicly broadcast on something like Facebook.

As far as your doctor comparison, they could probably make comments (again, especially in private) about the large number of abortion referrals they get. It's talking about a specific client, especially in recognizable detail, that can become problematic... and again, especially if it's publicly viewable.

You at best can likely get her warned. An employer probably isn't going to drop her just over this one thing. But do be warned if this is traceable back to you, and you're interfering with her employment like this, things can come back to bite you. It sounds like you have some personal problem with this particular person -- not that the behavior itself is necessarily overwhelmingly horrible. Most people who have access to a post like this would simply put up a comment that at least hints to the person they shouldn't be talking about work things like this on Facebook. You could put up a response post saying... you wouldn't believe how many people go on Facebook and jeopardize their jobs by talking about clients and their confidential accounts.

- Tony RB - 02-27-2014 03:23 PM

"Can I get this women fired for this?"

No. You have no authority to dictate to a business who is allowed to work there, or to have someone fired just because you say so.

You have no proof she works at the bank.

"And I dont feel comfortable about people in a position of trust talking about MY money to strangers and maybe thiefs!"

If she does not reveal the name of any customers, you have no complaint.

- David S - 02-27-2014 03:38 PM

You can't get her fired, nor should you try. I agree that she should stop talking about such matters, but the way to handle it is to complain to the bank manager, not try to get her fired.

- Mushu - 02-27-2014 03:50 PM

As others told you, don't be a douche. Go find another cause to get your panties in a twist about.

And she's not a women, she's a WOMAN. Learn the difference. Perhaps you could concentrate on using the English language properly- that should take some time off your hands.

Simply being a bank customer does not make this your business. Your personal information was not released and your security was not compromised. In fact, no one was exposed.

Her behavior may be unprofessional, but it's still not up to you to decide that her conduct should be up for review or criticism.

- s and d e - 02-27-2014 03:51 PM

if she gives the name of the customers, it would be illegal. giving the name of the bank is no big deal.

- Inda Cloud - 02-27-2014 03:57 PM

500 bucks a day? Really?

If she used noone's name it is nothing more than gossip. Kinda like what you did in this post.

I can't wait to find out what you do when you find out your own doctor googled you and looked you up on Facebook.

If you're unconfortable then you really need to get off the internet and your computer. And stay off. You won't get the woman fired.