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Tokio Hotel Family: Andreas vs. Kim paradise? - Printable Version

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- Me...... - 02-28-2014 12:00 AM


I didn't know they had an argument Sad
Poor Bill, i hope Andreas kicks her assI'm glad he's sticking up for him :]


Poll: Skiing with Tom....

I'll read the thing & edit Big Grin
......wait what are they're twitters? lol

EDIT: *blinks* ...Wow. I'm so proud of Andreas! Like GO ANDREAS GO! ...Poor Bill. If that is really Andreas & if Bill really knows about this then Sad

I think i love this guy '@BrendaBetito fake it's you!you wrote that you live in Berlin and you even can't speak german Big Grin shaaaame!'

He's so protective lol. He's awesome!

The thing that made me said was this post:
'@KimParadisee can u image what have u done!thousands of fans are making suicide!Bill has problems!and i'm instead of studying sitting here! '

Bill has problems Sad
I'm guessing those problems aren't stress related Sad

- Jilly - 02-28-2014 12:11 AM

This Kim Paradise is sounding so fake and she's trying to make everyone else who is actually friends with Bill, seem like the bad guys, just cuz they dispise her. She's nothing but lies and slander.

I think this whole Adam is a horrible person cuz he bought the same jeans as Bill is way out of proportion. Female celebrities wear the same dresses all the time anyways.. Adam is a really nice guy. I don't like him as much as I use to cuz he's not the same but still, he is nice to everyone. So I'm getting really irritated about this.

Parachuting with Bill! I'll make sure I'm an instructor and have Bill tied snug and tight right under me Wink
sexy hexi...

- 538 - 02-28-2014 12:26 AM

Apparently Natalie has Twitter too and she said a few times Bill doesn't have one... and Andreas said she is a slut? I'm SO conFUSED!

Parachuting with Bill but only if he held my hand ^.^

- Coolness <3 - 02-28-2014 12:38 AM

hahaha that was funny! Andreas is gangsta!! he goes to her "you can tell whatever you want!but you're not Bill's girlfriend!you're FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE FAKE !"

LOL GOOD! now she'll finally shut the hell up!

i don't think Bill is like upset but he's probably just fed up with it and especially cos he doesn't like liars and stuff....but some of the stuff he wrote i was like 'yh tell the b.i.t.c.h!!!!' xD

Poll: Skiing with Tom cos i really feel like going skiing for some reason haha

- 899 - 02-28-2014 12:54 AM

Woah, that was intense! :-)
I'm so glad Bill and Tom have an awesome friend like Andreas who truly cares about them beyond the fame. <3

I mentioned it somewhere else before but seriously, Kim Paradise has some mental issues and she needs to get her life on track...I mean honestly, WHO ON EARTH PRETENDS TO HAVE A CELEB BOYFRIEND?!
Her stupidity puzzles me. -_-

& in regards to Adam Lambert...he's just getting on my nerves! I know Bill is his fashion idol, blah blah but he needs to be himself! It's one thing to wear the exact same clothing and style as Bill but Adam even imitates Bill's hair, and they even sing similar songs. I though Adam Lambert was like a rock-ish signer but after his song Master Plan it sounds like he is just copying Tokio Hotel

Poll: Parachhuting, I would strap myslef onto Bill.. lol!

- 423 - 02-28-2014 01:06 AM

TAHA! B1tches! Geez I didn't even know this Kim Paradisee scheiße was still going on!!! What a creep!
Andreas is der scheiße though lol He seems like a good friend to Bill.

Poll: Skiing w/ Tom xD

- 855 - 02-28-2014 01:22 AM

good for you andreas! its about time somebody told that wacko to shut up Smile

poll:parachuting with bill! that would be so fun but it would be scary because i'm not much of a daredevil

- 730 - 02-28-2014 01:38 AM

um no offense but i dont think thats really andreas. if it was, then he wouldnt be telling the whole world that he was best friends with the kaulitz twins, for privacy reasons. and i dont think he would be communicating with fans either.

- Nicole - 02-28-2014 01:52 AM

well if it's really Andreas good for him to shut that fake @ss up lol, I'm sure he is him but like the other girl said why would he have a personal account and not private cause he is Bills friend but I guess he just wants to talk to people to as well.