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Why does Burger King hate Facebook? - Printable Version

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Why does Burger King hate Facebook? - Bret - 02-28-2014 04:55 AM

Burger King launches a Facebook application encouraging users to remove 10 friends from their Facebook account to get a free Whopper. 233,906 friends were removed by 82,771 people in less than a week. Facebook did not sit well with it.
In Facebook's point of view, the less friends a user has, the less activity. The less activity, the less frequency in visiting Facebook. You can see how this domino effect could decline Facebook's traffic in the long run if Facebook were to continue allowing Burger King's advert. It's a good thing Facebook pulled its plug.
Shrike, everybody knows about advertising. Just wondering why you think it's a good idea to remove friends instead of add friends?!?

Instead of inviting users to remove friends, they could invited Facebook users to add friends. The more friends you have, the more activity. The more activity, the higher frequency and traffic for Facebook. Facebook would have been happy with it.

- Shrike - 02-28-2014 05:00 AM

this question sounds firmilure...

It has nothing do do w them liking/disliking facebook, its a gigantic advert for Burger King.

Think about it, it has made countless websites, newspapers, news shows etc. and all it is, is basically i gigantic advert for Burger King Big Grin

all that publicity for a few whoppers? well worth the $$ Big Grin

- blahsblahjunk - 02-28-2014 05:03 AM

It's a test to see how many people are just adding random people to their friend list in order to appear more popular then they really are.
(The behavior of frantically adding strangers in mass quantities is most common among MySpace visitors, but has also spread to other social networking sites.)
As you can see, there are quite a few false friends out there.

- stlcardsfan2113 - 02-28-2014 05:10 AM

Also, when someone goes to redeem their free Whopper, he/she will most likely purchase at least a drink and fries. Since the profit margin on drinks and fries is much higher than Whoppers, Burger King will actually make quite a large profit. BK gets the tremendous amount of advertisement and additional revenue at the expense of a few Whoppers. It's pretty brilliant and creative if you ask me.