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My brother loves the same girl I do?? What to do? - Printable Version

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My brother loves the same girl I do?? What to do? - Joseph - 02-28-2014 05:05 AM

So, I've been in love with this girl for about a year now, and I was kinda sure about her feelings to me (I wasn't 100% sure), and I was planning to ask her that one question, but, then my brother shocked me by telling me that he himself loves that same girl (BTW at the time he told me, he didn't know about my feelings to her, he thought we were just friends).

So, I sat down with my brother and we had quite the conversation and I told him about my feelings to her and all that stuff, and finally we agreed that no one should get her and we would try not to talk to her and forget her, and the both of us should just walk away. (That was about a month ago)

Since then I've been trying to avoid her as much as I could (its been so hard for me), but now my brother is been talking with her about every day either chatting on facebook or on cell phone (he calls her). I don't know but, its upsetting me and I'm so mad, I just don't want to think that he broke our agreement, after all he is my brother and I love him (as they say family comes first), but, its really annoying me, and I don't know what to do!!! Please Help Me!!! What should I do???

- Alan - 02-28-2014 05:17 AM

Inform your brother that how disappointed you are and you will tell her the truth regardless the outcome, then write her a letter and be blunt and stop thinking about her. A well handwritten letter is far more powerful than words. If she chose you, great. If not, you have done what you can. You only live once, don't not do anything that you will regret not doing when you are old. Speaking from experience.