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Is My Dad Cyber Cheating? - Printable Version

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Is My Dad Cyber Cheating? - Jonathan - 02-28-2014 06:15 AM

So basically I have been seeing my dad on Facebook looking at pictures of women. (I first witnessed this about 2 years ago) My mum knew he was doing this and asked him to stop. He still did it but very cautiously, I knew he was doing it and I still do but I don't think he does. About 4 weeks ago I was walking home from school and saw him watching porn through the window. (I know, he's was quite stupid wasn't he) I wasn't really bothered about that because I know that all/most men do it. I just walked in and said hi, he asked me how school was I said it was fine and walked upstairs to my room. Now this is where it gets interesting. Today I came home from school but this time the curtains were closed I thought "Hmm, he's getting smarter isn't he" and chuckled down the path to my front door. But when I knocked on the door for him to let me in he took quite a while to answer when he came he said hello and I walked in and said hi. I noticed that he had Skype open on the computer, I saw the profile picture, It was a woman she looked about 35-40 years old. (My dad is 49) and I went upstairs as usual and looked on the internet for advice But I couldn't find anything relevant so I typed this up.

Do you think I should talk to my mum about this or just talk to my dad about it. I'm not really a worrier and I'm not really worried about this situation I'm just concerned and I want my parents to stay together.

*Additional Info*
I am 15
My parents have been married for 16 years
I'm an only child
My parents still go out for dinner
My dad buys her gifts e.g. Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary presents
We go on family holidays abroad

- Matt - 02-28-2014 06:30 AM

youre parents dont have a regural sexual life. thats your moms initiation. talk to your dad about it.

- Kurt - 02-28-2014 06:40 AM

It is none of your goddamn business. You need to stay the hell out of it.

- Katya - 02-28-2014 06:46 AM

ignore it, it is their problem, not urs. parents make mistakes too. good luck

- Nancy M - 02-28-2014 06:56 AM

There really isn't much of anything that you can do if your dad is seeing another woman. You dad is doing things with your mom and buying her gifts then you do not have much to worry about. Lots of men look at porn.

- iheart - 02-28-2014 07:06 AM

well if i was your child, i would wanna know! Maybe because if i am so lonely and he is spending time with another woman then yeah i would wanna know!!! I am sure your dad would throw a crazy if your mom was doing the same, even tho he is doing it himself. so why should he! It is up to you!

- anonymous - 02-28-2014 07:19 AM

Just ignore I ignore it. It doesnt matter. I don't think he will ever meet them

- Summa Rudis - 02-28-2014 07:29 AM

DO not get involved. Dad's doing what he's doing because he feels the need to do it.

- J - 02-28-2014 07:33 AM

This is a delicate situation. Confront your dad, and he will only try to hide it even more, or maybe even start lying about it. Tell mom, and then cause big problems.

Your parents have their own set of issues. She may know already, and they aren't ready to split up because of you. She may not know, or have proof. Or, they just do their own thing. Grown up relationships can get quite complicated. It's best to either stay out of it, or only talk to dad at this point. If it took him a while to answer the door, he probably had to get dressed (or at least pull up his pants). In a lot of ways this is considered cheating. It's being intimate or sexual with someone else other than his wife. Most guys play it off as 'harmless', since there's no actual physical contact between them and the female on the screen (whether Skype or porn). Truth is, it does affect the connection to his wife sexually and intimately. Everyone has needs. But there's a line between needs and selfish desires.

- --- - 02-28-2014 07:39 AM

Of course you should tell her. They're YOUR family--it is YOUR business.