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Mental Health Dead End - NHS - HELP!!!? - Printable Version

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Mental Health Dead End - NHS - HELP!!!? - Hannah - 02-28-2014 08:24 AM

Help! I'm 23 years old and currently taking time off of work to support my mother who is experiencing a mental breakdown as I worry for her safety as a direct result of her irrational thinking right now. We are trying to get help from the NHS to support her with this, basically I am not a mental health nurse and I have no idea how this can be resolved. She has been admitted to the local mental health hospital twice in 72 hours, visited the GP 3 times and the had the police round twice. We've phoned every NHS phone line there is to call and we're receiving no help and to be quite honest I am feeling rather frustrated. Not only because she isn't getting the help she needs but because I am risking my own job by taking time off to look after her, when really she should be being supported by a trained professional who is being paid to do so!

Okay - So a little background...

My Mum has had two previous psychotic episodes and as a result of one was sectioned. But that was over four years ago.

This week her husband has left her and her best friend has disowned her and I think this crumbling of her world has led her to another episode. However when she's asked by health professionals if she's okay she says she's fine.

We've had the police out to her home address twice in 48 hours and both times they lodged an entry with the local mental health team.
We've visited the local hospital twice both times we have been fobbed off. Firstly by psychiatrist who after briefly speaking with her for less than 5 minutes decided she was fine.
The second visit was arranged by the police themselves as they believed she was in need of help - upon arrival at the unit we were advised we couldn't speak with a mental health nurse but instead lumbered with the most unhelpful social worker who spoke to us for over 20 mins, witnessed my mother attempt to physically assault me twice, did nothing, listened to my mothers irrational theories about the house being bugged and messages in the TV and then informed us that there was no evidence that she needed any help and sent us home.
Both times however they prescribed her with some diazepam to help her sleep, nothing more. She has been prescribed Respirodone from before a dose of 0.5mg to stabilise her mood (this clearly isn't working) and are not prepared to alter her medication.

The biggest problem is that when we're at home and she has time to think she comes out with all these theories and conspiracy ideas and winds herself up, getting upset etc. However when she's questioned by anyone about them (as in medical staff)- she denies she's even said it. So to me and my sisters she is displaying blatantly obvious signs of psychosis and it seems that every professional we have been in contact with thinks we are lying.

I just don't know what to do - aside from leaving her to cause damage or worse seriously hurt or kill herself or someone else. I cant be forever looking after her - I am myself now on the verge of breaking down and I think I stand more chance of being seen to and taken seriously about my depression than she does about her psychosis.

It might be worth mentioning that it is literally me, my mum and sisters in our family and there is no-one else to help. all 3 of us are over 18 so none of us our minors.

Any ideas warmly welcomed! Please help!

- Jack - 02-28-2014 08:37 AM

As it seems that the NHS isn't doing anything to help your mother you may want to take her to a private psychiatrist or therapist, they will be much more likely to be of help. You could equally ask work colleagues for some assistance or suggestions or even your boss. You could search on the internet for a support group for people who are suffering what your mother is suffering or any of those things. It's a tough spot your in but there is a way out of it and you just have to find it. One more thing, since the NHS haven't helped you on two occasions now they probably won't help a third time so I would give up with them and try to find a private health specialist. Good luck and I hope I could be of some little help at least Wink

- Autumn - 02-28-2014 08:51 AM

Hi Hannah.

NHS mental health care is getting worse each year and yet they believe they are getting better at it! I think it's time to produce some indisputable evidence to show her GP and her local MP. There is the simple option of recording her in audio ranting about conspiracies theories or secondly recording her in audio visual using a webcam or a nanny cam. If you Google nanny cam some cheap options appear on Amazon or ebay.

This pinhole camera records in colour and includes audio. The cost is only £15.48 including postage. It's only a third of an inch across and you can conceal it on yourself to record your mum when she is going on. Take the evidence to her GP and if s/he won't do anything drop in on the local MP with threats of an NHS scandal in the media. If you have proof and the NHS fails to act then they are not honouring the duty of care they have towards your mother.

You can try calling Carers Direct on 0300 123 1053
Confidential information and advice for anyone looking after someone else.

Mind Info Line on 0845 766 0163
Mind's helpline gives confidential advice and help for people with mental health problems.

Rethink on 0845 456 0455
Helpline services offering practical and emotional support to those experiencing severe mental illness, their carers and relatives.
Rethink have been enormously helpful to me.

I really do wish you the best of luck getting your mother the help she needs.
Best wishes, A x

Regarding the advice given by Jack: Private psychiatrists cost about £200 - £300 per session and they would need to see your mother more than once to diagnose her. There is no reason why she would suddenly start being honest and pour her heart out to a doctor just because he's expensive. The medications would no longer available on an NHS prescription and can run into hundreds of pounds.

A private psychiatrist can only section your mum to a private psychiatric unit otherwise all he can do is write a report to her GP recommending an assessment by an NHS psychiatrist. He will even charge to write the letter. I've been in a private psychiatric unit before and the basic cost 14 years ago was £2,100 per week. That is not including tests, drugs, 1-2-1 nursing and everything else they can charge for. My stay cost well over £20,000 [14 years ago].