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Does anyone else see this as assholish? - Printable Version

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Does anyone else see this as assholish? - TheFriendlyPurpleDragon - 02-28-2014 11:26 AM

I've heard it's different once in college, but I've realized through middle school and high school for some reason people have certain groups of friends and if you don't fit in with them they won't have contact with you outside of school (even if it's just texting, facebook … ect.) Dies anyone else see that as ****** up ? Or is my view just blurred cos I don't really fit in with many people so it's hard for me to make friends. Or are these people really just assholes, or merely following the social norms? Thoughts ?
What about just talking to someone from said group, even if just on FB or texting … or whatever ...
No … but sometimes I still do have some common interests with people , however we are just different in someways. And another girl I wanted to be friends with cod I saw how we both enjoyed, poetry, spoken word, acting and were both emotional. However, I was an INFP and she was an ISTJ and idunno when I messages her on FB she never responded … :/

- B4Tb - 02-28-2014 11:37 AM

It is a social norm to be divided into groups. It's just how high school works. In college rarely anyone has issues with giving you a chance.

- pillowy - 02-28-2014 11:39 AM

it's different in college because everyone's going their own separate way and surrounding themselves around likeminded people. people change (even you) and you can't expect to have the same friend group all the time ~