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How to break up with a girl who is extremely emotionally attached to me? - Printable Version

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How to break up with a girl who is extremely emotionally attached to me? - theace125 - 02-28-2014 02:34 PM

First off, we've been dating for about 2 years now, and we love each other so much. The thing is, she keeps saying how she is too emotionally unstable to break up with me, and that she NEEDS me.

Although I love her so much, I'm so unhappy in this relationship. I'm completely controlled by her, and whenever I try to argue with her, she just explodes at me and points EVERYTHING at me. I hate it, and I'm not happy. She's not the same person that she was when we first started dating. Let me give you some examples.

I've always wanted to sing for Youtube or just video blog. She restricted me from doing that.
She has access to all of my personal accounts (email, facebook, twitter, instagram, etc etc) because she forced me to give her the passwords.
She won't let me make friends who are girls.
She still can't trust me after these 2 years.

I've been so patient with her, and I've given her everything of mine, but I'm just burned out, and I'm going mental.

If you don't think we should break up, why? And what should I do to fix this? Thanks

- anonymous - 02-28-2014 02:47 PM

There is no fixing this. BREAK UP

Of course you have feelings for her so you may show some consideration like if you think she's going to do something stupid... caution her friends to take care of her.

Edit: Also change ALL OF YOUR PASSWORDS before breaking up so she doesn't mess around.

- Aaron Hutton - 02-28-2014 03:00 PM

I think you should talk to her. Have a good long talk, and tell her you're not happy with the way the relationship is going, and it's not what you're looking for anymore, and if things don't change soon you're going to have to leave. If things don't get better after that, then I guess you have no other choice. Mad respect for a guy who actually respects himself and won't let his girl whip him like a b!tch lol!!!

- Killah B - 02-28-2014 03:11 PM

If you love her like you say, then I think you need to talk to her about this first. Tell her that you absolutely cannot stay in a relationship where you are not free to do the things that make you happy. Though I can relate to your girlfriend on many, many levels — I can willingly admit that she is out of control. If you ask me, she has a mental disorder (probably Borderline Personality Disorder) and that is why she is terrified of abandonment; that is the reason that she feels the need to control you in everything you do.

Talk to her. Tell her that if she does not change and get counseling, then you have to leave.

- ɨ♥мy♥ԍғ♥ - 02-28-2014 03:18 PM

Talk to her! Just get her to sit down for a seriously heart to heart talk and explain everything you told us here to her (and more if you have to and make sure she know this is a serious talk). Explain your situation and how you feel about it. Make her understand where you are coming from.

I am not a Psychiatrist nor i been in this situation, if you think she has mental disorder or issue, best to talk her parents about it and let them know what's going on with their daughter and they can keep and eye out for her. Maybe even seeing a counselor or even a Psychiatrist (if necessary), just to help her sort herself out.

If she doesn't listen or stay the same (and maybe refuse to seek help), maybe you should just consider breaking up with her. But before you do, make sure you change ALL the password to all your accounts that she has access to before you break up with her (if any of your accounts have security/recovery questions, change those too). So might change all your password as revenge and hold your accounts hostage (not saying she a bad person, but you have to be wary of this might happen).

Good Luck Big Grin